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Financial Protection Archives - Page 21 of 102 - P4H Network
505 results
Maldives Health Expenditure 2020

The 11th Maldives Health Statistics 2020 shows Maldives government’s commitment to provide better health service and social health protection through continuously increased allocation of the budget to the health sector. It shows that current health expenditure...

New document on Maldives health expenditure 2020 is now available
New document on Maldives health expenditure 2020 is now available

The 11th Maldives Health Statistics 2020 shows Maldives government’s commitment to provide better health service and social health protection through continuously increased allocation of the budget to the health sector. It shows that current health expenditure...

New document on out-of-pocket payments in Bangladesh is now available
New document on out-of-pocket payments in Bangladesh is now available

This study aimed to examine the burden of out-of-pocket payment and forgone healthcare in Bangladesh, and further explores the inequalities in catastrophic health expenditures (CHE) and forgone healthcare at the national and sub-national levels. Data came from the...

National Health Accounts Estimates for India 2017-18

This report provides healthcare expenditures in India based on National Health Accounts Guidelines for India, 2016 (with refinements where required) that adhere to System of Health Accounts 2011 (SHA 2011), a global standard framework for producing health accounts....

Policy brief: The National Health Accounts in Bhutan (2018-2020)

National Health Accounts (NHA) provide the information about the flow of resources and funds of the country’s health system. NHA illustrates national health spending of the country from public and private sector, including household spending. Thus, NHA is useful for...

National Health Accounts in Bhutan (2018-2020)

The Bhutan National Health Accounts (NHA) provides the financial flows of the national health expenditures to fulfill health needs of the populations in Bhutan. Source of financing from government, households, donors, employers, and health insurers were identified....