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Financial Protection Archives - Page 22 of 102 - P4H Network
505 results
New documents on Bhutan National Health Accounts (2018-2020)
New documents on Bhutan National Health Accounts (2018-2020)

National Health Accounts (NHA) provide the information about the flow of resources and funds of the country’s health system. NHA illustrates national health spending of the country from public and private sector, including household spending. Thus, NHA is useful for...

Country-based study on evidence on financial protection in Georgia, 2021

A new report titled “Can people afford to pay for health care?” was published by the WHO Barcelona Office for health financing and published in 2021. Authored by Ketevan Goginashvili, Mamuka Nadareishvili and Triin Habicht, this publication is part of a series of...

Prospects for sustainable health  financing in Tanzania: Baseline report
Tanzania, United Republic of

A high proportion of Tanzania’s total health spending comes from foreign donors and households’ out-of- pocket (OOP) spending, rather than from sustainable sources such as government tax-based revenue or health insurance. Over reliance on OOP can expose households to...

Kenya health financing system assessment, 2018: Time to pick the best path

This report assesses the Kenyan health financing system in light of ongoing reforms and the Government of Kenya’s (GOK’s) ambitious commitments to achieve universal health coverage (UHC) through multiple initiatives. International experience suggests that effective...

Nigeria: national health accounts (NHA) 2017

The NHA documents and characterizes the flow of resources in a country’s health sector. Policy makers and administrators use the NHA to learn from past expenditure and improve planning and allocation of resources throughout the system, thereby increasing efficiency...

Philippines provides cash aid to COVID-infected employees
Philippines provides cash aid to COVID-infected employees

In the Philippines, workers who had been infected with COVID-19 can now apply for financial support to the Employees’ Compensation Commission (ECC) through a courier service. This benefit covers both sickness and death due to COVID-19. The COVID-19 has been added into...

South Sudan health system assessment
South Sudan

South Sudan is committed to attaining universal health coverage and this commitment is emphasized in the national constitution. Despite the commitment, the country has yet to make strides to achieve its health goals. This health system assessment was conducted to...