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505 results
Global Health Expenditure Database (GHED)

Short description The global NHA data and indicators (gNHA) provides internationally comparable numbers on national health expenditures. It contains health expenditure indicators, health expenditure data, health expenditures crossed indicators, macro data and Global...

OECD Statistics

Short description OECD Statistics contains numerous indicators related to demography and population, development, finance, health, labour, national accounts, social protection and well-being etc. Key indicators GDP, health, unemployment, prices Data source - Time...

Country Health Statistics

Short description The Country Statistics database contains information about the 194 Member States of WHO. It includes basics statistics regarding population, life expectancy, or total health expenditure on health. Key indicators Population, life expectancy, total...


Short description A critical component of health financing policy is to ensure the available resources are used equitably and efficiently. WHO CHOICE assembles regional databases on costs, impact on population health and cost-effectiveness of key health interventions....

Global Health Observatory

Short description The GHO data repository provides access to over 50 datasets on priority health topics including mortality and burden of diseases, the Millennium Development Goals (child nutrition, child health, maternal and reproductive health, immunization,...


Short description HealthStats is the World Bank’s comprehensive database of Health, Nutrition and Population (HNP) statistics. It includes over 250 indicators on topics such as health financing, HIV/AIDS, immunization, malaria and tuberculosis, health workforce and...

European health for All Database (HFA-DB)

Short description HFA-DB provides a selection of core health statistics covering basic demographics, health status, health determinants and risk factors, and health-care resources, utilization and expenditure in the 53 countries in the WHO European Region. It allows...

World Development Indicators

Short description This is an annual compilation of data about development. One can find the major health status indicators (such as malnutrition, infant mortality, and under-five mortality) and health care indicators (such as immunization, prenatal care, presence of a...


Short description The MEASURE DHS STAT compiler is an interactive database, which allows users to download key population and health statistics published in the Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) final reports and disaggregate them by socioeconomic status. This...

LSMS household survey data

Short description The LSMS surveys provide data for analysing relationships between poverty and ill health. It includes data on health status, health behaviour, health care utilization, and health care expenditure, as well as data on household income and consumption....

Health Equity Monitor

Short description The Health Equity Monitor includes reproductive, maternal, neonatal and child health indicators, disaggregated by child’s sex, place of residence (rural vs. urban), wealth quintile, and education level. The purpose of this database is to provide an...

Millennium Development Goals

Short description The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) database contains official indicators for monitoring progress toward MDGs. It includes indicators on the eight MDGs, such as mortality, HIV/AIDS, immunization, life expectancy, poverty and others. Key...

Health Nutrition and Population Statistics by Wealth Quintile

Short description The Health Nutrition and Population Statistics (HNP) by Wealth Quintile database presents HNP data by wealth quintile since 1990s to present. It covers more than 70 indicators on childhood disease and interventions, nutrition, sexual and reproductive...

ILO Multiple Dimensions of Health Coverage

Short description Table B.11 of the World Social Protection Report 2014/15 provides data on the multiple dimensions of health coverage including legal health coverage rates, GHE, OOP, MMR as well as coverage gaps due to deficits in financial resources and health...


Short description ILO STAT is the new ILO database of labour statistics, providing annual and infra-annual labour market statistics for over 100 indicators and 230 countries, areas and territories Key indicators Social security Data source Multiple Time frame On-going...