Short description ILO NATLEX has been incorporated into NORMLEX, but is still available as a separate entity. It contains national, labour, social security and related human rights legislation (88,000 records covering 196 countries) and is maintained by ILO’s...
Country Planning Cycle Database
Short description The Country Planning Cycle database provides a country by country overview of the national planning, health programmatic and project cycles, together with information on donor involvement and technical support, for the 194 Member States of the World...
OECD – Health statistics
Short description OECD has a significant number of health databases/statistics: Health status, Non-medical determinants of health, Health care resources, Health care utilization, Health care quality indicators, Pharmaceutical market, Health expenditure and financing,...
PovcalNet: an online poverty analysis tool
Short description This is an interactive computational tool that allows users to replicate the calculations made by the WB in estimating the extent of absolute poverty in the world. It allows calculating the poverty measures under different assumptions and to assemble...
IHP+Results Survey Tool
Short description This tool allows users to collect data for 10-12 standardized indicators of progress on health aid effectiveness from governments and development partners. Purpose The purpose of this tool is to monitor progress on health aid effectiveness....
WHO-CHOICE (CHOosing Interventions that are Cost Effective)
Short description One of the critical issues of health financing policy is to ensure that the available resources are used equitably and efficiently. WHO-CHOICE was developed to provide policy makers with the evidence for deciding on the interventions and programmes...
Joint Assessment of National Health Strategies (JANS) Tool
Short description JANS is a shared approach to assessing the strengths and weaknesses of a national health strategy or plan. This tool examines the soundness and feasibility of a strategy in five areas: situation analysis and programming; process; costs and budgetary...
Integrated Community Case Management Costing and Financing Tool
Short description Integrated community case management (iCCM), the delivery of timely and low-cost interventions at the community level by community health workers (CHWs), is promoted by the World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF),...
Health Equity Monitor
Short description The Health Equity Monitor includes reproductive, maternal, neonatal and child health indicators, disaggregated by child’s sex, place of residence (rural vs. urban), wealth quintile, and education level. Purpose The purpose of this tool is to provide...
OneHealth Tool
Short description OneHealth Tool is supported by the UN and it is designed to strengthen health systems analysis and costing and to develop financing scenarios at the country level. The advantage of the OneHealth Tool is that planners have a single framework for...
ILO Social Protection Platform
Short description The ILO Social Protection Platform replaces the former Global Extension of Social Security (GESS) Platform. It is the International Labour Office's global knowledge sharing tool to extend social protection including health protection. Purpose The...
Social Protection Assessment Based National Dialogue: A Good Practices Guide
Short description This guide provides knowledge and expertise for conducting assessment based national dialogue (ABND) exercises, which are the first steps towards the implementation of nationally defined social protection floors that include health protection. It is...
Social Protection Floor Initiative: Manual and Strategic Framework for Joint UN Country Operations
Short description This manual provides guidance for a Social Protection Floor Approach that includes health protection at country level, led by governments with support from the UN system and other collaborating agencies aiming at supporting existing or defining and...
ILO Health Protection Platform
Short description The ILO Health Protection section of the ILO Social Protection provides information on the different ILO dimensions of access to health care (legal coverage, availability, affordability/financial protection). Global inequities in access to health...
ILO/UNICEF costing and assessment tools
Short description The costing tools and assessment protocols have been developed and tested under the framework of the Social Protection Floor Initiative since 2010. Purpose The tools help users estimate the present and future cost of implementing a set of social...