Short description Presents technical material on valuation covering a wide-range of risks including old age, survivors, disability, sickness, maternity, employment injury, and unemployment. Purpose Discusses the valuation of pensions, short-term cash benefits like...
Financing Social Protection
Short description Offers a comprehensive overview of financing options and provides a thorough analysis of their respective advantages and disadvantages as well as their financial and economic implications. Purpose Presents a "methodological toolbox" from which social...
Social Budgeting
Short description Provides guidance for designing a social accounting system. Purpose Shows how the relationships between the economy and the social protection system can be translated into a quantitative model which permits projections and simulations to be carried...
Notes on financial incentives – Bart Callewaert (DUE)
These two pages of text are an attempt to summarize the issue of financial incentives in the context of strategic purchasing in Burkina Faso. This "non-paper" is an essential "food-for-thought", because when it comes to strategic purchasing or FBR, passion comes into...
Instrument Manual – English
Health Facilities Costing in Indonesia
Instrument: Dinas Kesehatan
Health Facility Costing in Indonesia
Pedoman Instrumen
Kajian Biaya Produksi Pelayanan Kesehatan di Indonesia
Instrumen: Dinas Kesehatan
Kajian Biaya Produksi Pelayanan Kesehatan di Indonesia
Final Report of the Costing Study in Indonesia

Sharing analysis on pooling and strategic purchasing – Bart Callewaert, DUE
Here we share two productions by Bart Callewaert of the European Union delegation in Burkina Faso. The presentation is an outstanding poster (in English) presented at the health seminar "Agenda 2030: Towards Universal Health Coverage" held from September 25 to...

The Costs of Delivering Health Services in Indonesia
The central objective of a recently published study on the cost of health service delivery in Indonesia is to provide a better understanding of the cost of delivering health services across the country. The study is expected to inform policy in a number of...