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Financial Protection Archives - Page 4 of 102 - P4H Network
505 results
ILO country brief on Social Protection in Mongolia

This country brief for Mongolia by the International Labour Organization (ILO), Social Protection Department, is extracted from ILO’s report: “Extending social health protection: Accelerating progress towards Universal Health Coverage in Asia and the Pacific”. The...

Social protection for migrant workers in the Gulf Cooperation Council countries
Bahrain, Qatar, Kuwait, Oman, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia

The report is the first of its kind to systematically assess the legal and effective access of migrant workers to nine areas of social protection, including medical, sickness, unemployment, injury, old-age, invalidity, family, maternity protection, and survivors'...

Free of charge: National Institutes of Health in Mexico

It shows that 68% of respondents received free care. Using a survey conducted in 17 institutes and hospitals that produced 85% of the consultations of all third level hospitals in 2023. It should be noted that the survey is not representative of all tertiary...

Government announced funding for drugs against three types of cancer
Government announced funding for drugs against three types of cancer

Drugs for the treatment of head and neck, ovarian and cervical cancer will be included in the free coverage of the National Resources Fund.The incorporation of new drugs to the benefits of the National Resources Fund was announced. The authorities of the Ministry of...

Sustainable Healthcare Financing for SDG3 in ASEAN-6
Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) for good health and wellbeing (Goal 3) outlines targets across various aspects of healthy living and healthcare systems. A key component of SDG3, specifically Goal 3.8, is the target for universal health coverage...

Financing of Essential Public Health Services in the Caribbean Region – Case Study
Grenada, Barbados, Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago

The study focuses on financing arrangements enacted to ensure the predictability of funding and the sustainability in the level and flow of funds over the medium and long terms to carry out essential public health functions in Barbados, Grenada, Jamaica and Trinidad...

Utilisation and barriers of social health protection

This paper analyses the extent of utilisation and identify the barriers faced by individuals in the Federally Administrative Area of Pakistan concerning the Social Health Protection Programme. The study findings indicated that approximately 12% of the participants...

Policy Note on the Liberia Health Equity Fund (LHEF)

The policy note provides a comprehensive analysis of Liberia's health financing landscape, focusing on the proposed Liberia Health Equity Fund (LHEF). Despite progress in health service delivery, Liberia faces significant challenges in achieving Universal Health...

National STI/HIV/AIDS Strategic Plan 2020-2024

The National Strategic Plan aims to accelerate and amplify the national response to the dynamics of the epidemic through a set of strategies and interventions. These actions should contribute to breaking the STI/HIV transmission chain and ensuring universal access to...

National Social Protection Strategy-2012

The document consists of four parts and several appendices. The first part introduces the definitions, dimensions and conceptual framework of social protection(chapter 1), outlines the main elements of the national context in relation to the issue at hand(chapter 2)...