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Financial Protection Archives - Page 6 of 75 - P4H Network
372 results
Achievements in Equity of the Health System in Colombia
Achievements in Equity of the Health System in Colombia

The greatest achievement of the Colombian health system is the improvement in the financial protection of households. Out-of-pocket health care spending declined significantly since most medical procedures and drugs are included in the nation's public health insurance...

To meet the unmet: preparing for health equity challenges in WHO South-East Asia Region
To meet the unmet: preparing for health equity challenges in WHO South-East Asia Region
Bangladesh, Bhutan, Korea (Democratic People’s Republic of), India, Indonesia, Maldives, Myanmar, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Timor-Leste

Health inequity and unmet need are major challenges in achieving UHC and financial protection in the South-East Asia Region. This report documents progresses in addressing health inequities with a focus on multiple manifests of vulnerabilities and multiple components...

Assessing equity and efficiency of health financing towards UHC in Tanzania
Assessing equity and efficiency of health financing towards UHC in Tanzania
Tanzania, United Republic of

A new study suggests promoting equity and efficiency in health financing across 26 regions in Tanzania is crucial to meeting UHC goalsThe peer-reviewed study assesses equity and efficiency in health financing across 26 regions in Tanzania for four funding sources in...

Singapore: More subsidies for chronic patients under new Healthier SG
Singapore: More subsidies for chronic patients under new Healthier SG

Healthier SG is a new, long-term reform healthcare plan for Singapore implemented by the Ministry of Health (MOH), aiming to promote preventive care. Healthier SG scheme has introduced a new program called Healthier SG Chronic Tier in 2024.Starting from February 1,...

National strategy for financing free health care in Niger

This strategy, based on linking the FBR to free healthcare and stimulating demand for healthcare through the FBR Communautaire, has been drawn up to guide the Nigerien government and its partners on strategic and harmonized implementation methods.

National Health Accounts for Niger-2021

The aim of this report, covering the year 2021, is to analyze national healthcare expenditure globally, and to produce specific sub-accounts for certain diseases and conditions of greatest concern to the healthcare sector.

Transitional measures for the reimbursement of free health care in Niger

This working paper has been produced on the physical verification approach in health facilities. The aim is to ensure reimbursement of the costs associated with free health care in the 2023 health facilities, after monitoring and verifying the effectiveness of the...

Is Health Financing Gender Biased?
Is Health Financing Gender Biased?

We take for granted the way health programs are financed—and often forget that there are biases in financing functions that undermine equitable access to health care. For instance, through gender advances, women now decide on contraceptive use and childbearing. Yet...

Niger Health and Social Development Plan 2022-2026

Le cadrage financier du PDSS 2022-2026 a été basé sur des données programmatiques, à l'aide de l'outil de budgétisation One Health. Le scénario moyen quantifie un budget prévisionnel pour le PDSS 2022-2026 de 1 513 063 866 310 francs CFA, soit environ 2 521 773 110...