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Financial Protection Archives - Page 7 of 102 - P4H Network
505 results
Member State Session on Revising SDG UHC Indicators 3.8.1 & 3.8.2
Member State Session on Revising SDG UHC Indicators 3.8.1 & 3.8.2

WHO reviews proposed revisions to SDG UHC indicators 3.8.1 & 3.8.2, potentially altering a decade of financial protection data. On 21 August 2024, the World Health Organization (WHO) organised an information session for Member States to discuss the revision of...

Joint SDG Fund: Social health protection in Albania and Cambodia
Joint SDG Fund: Social health protection in Albania and Cambodia
Cambodia, Albania

Albania and Cambodia are advancing social health protection and employment initiatives through joint programmes supported by the Joint SDG Fund, with a focus on fostering inclusion and universal health coverage.In Cambodia, the Joint SDG Fund is driving key reforms to...

“Worrying” situation of social accounts according to Unocam
“Worrying” situation of social accounts according to Unocam

The French National Assembly's Social Affairs Committee has examined the bill to approve the Social Security accounts for 2023. Solicited by the Social Security Department, the Union nationale des organismes complémentaires d'Assurance maladie (Unocam) has submitted...

1st regional training workshop on enhancing health equity fund awareness
1st regional training workshop on enhancing health equity fund awareness

On 24 June 2024, the National Social Assistance Fund (NSAF), in collaboration with GIZ Cambodia and the P4H Network and presided over by Mr. Hour Tola, Deputy Director General of NSAF, conducted the first of a series of regional training workshop in Siem Reap...

Government  reaffirms commitment to NHI amid renewed collaboration efforts
Government reaffirms commitment to NHI amid renewed collaboration efforts
South Africa

President Cyril Ramaphosa reaffirms the Government’s commitment to National Health Insurance (NHI) with a renewed focus on collaboration with the private sector, aiming to ensure equitable, accessible, and affordable quality healthcare for all South Africans, while...

WHO: new evidence on financial protection in Bulgaria

WHO Regional Office for Europe published a short report titled "Can people afford to pay for health care? New evidence on financial protection in Bulgaria" (2022). The following overview from WHO gives a snapshot of the report's content: This report is the first...