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Francophone Africa Archives - Page 3 of 29 - P4H Network
141 results
Africa cannot afford healthcare but can finance health
Africa cannot afford healthcare but can finance health

Article authored by Dr Githinji Gitahi, Amref Health Africa, calls for the region to go beyond set health funding targets that only concern health service delivery and consider financing social factors that determine healthcare as a more holistic approach to 'Health...

Social protection: 10 priorities presented to the World Bank
Social protection: 10 priorities presented to the World Bank
Burkina Faso

Members of the Permanent Secretariat for Social Protection held a working session with a World Bank delegation on Thursday, April 04, 2024 in Ouagadougou. During the meeting, the Burkinabe government unveiled its main priorities in the field of social security....

Traditional chiefs mobilized to promote CMU
Traditional chiefs mobilized to promote CMU
Côte d’Ivoire

To achieve the goal of zero cases of HIV/AIDS by 2030 and to work towards good universal health coverage, the Ivorian Minister in charge of Health, mobilized kings and traditional chiefs on Thursday April 04, 2024, during a meeting in the Ivorian capital.The Minister...

Free health care operation: some private health facilities suspended
Free health care operation: some private health facilities suspended
Burkina Faso

In a note dated March 4, 2024, the Ministry of Health invites managers of private, non-denominational health facilities to temporarily suspend the implementation of free healthcare for women and children under the age of 05, from March 1, 2024.The note signed by the...

Focus on German-Cameroonian cooperation for the CSU
Focus on German-Cameroonian cooperation for the CSU

On April 12, 2023, the Minister of Public Health, Dr Manaouda Malachie, launched phase 1 of universal health coverage (UHC). The launch was made possible by German development cooperation.The launch of phase 1 of the CSU in Cameroon was presented as "one of the...

Lower health care costs in Burkina Faso
Lower health care costs in Burkina Faso
Burkina Faso

At its traditional cabinet meeting, the Burkinabe government approved a significant reduction in the fees for CT scans, MRIs and haemodialysis. These cost reductions range from 50 to 60% and are scheduled to take effect from the end of April 2024."The Council (of...

JLA programme of CSO advocacy for health financing
JLA programme of CSO advocacy for health financing

Advancing CSO Advocacy for Health Financing Consolidating Progress and Shaping the Future of JLA on Health Financing and UHC led by WACI Health, Impact Santé Afrique (ISA) and others is to be held on 26-27 March.Civil society organizations (CSOs) across Africa are...

Making AMU operational: NGOs lobby parliamentarians
Making AMU operational: NGOs lobby parliamentarians
Burkina Faso

On February 28, 2024, the Permanent Secretariat of Non-Governmental Organizations (SPONG), with the support of UNICEF, held a meeting to inform, raise awareness, mobilize and engage parliamentarians in the operationalization of universal health insurance in Burkina...