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Global Archives - Page 11 of 39 - P4H Network
192 results
Rethinking health financing beyong GDP

Research article published in PLOS Global Public Health advocates for moving away from using GDP and GNI as proxies for measuring overall well-being and eligibility for external aid in health. The authors emphasise the need for robust alternative measures in global...

Mapping the literature on development assistance in health

The document published by the Observer Research Foundation presents a comprehensive analysis of the literature on development assistance in health between 2000 and 2022. The study reveals critical findings, including disparities in research output and significant...

Reflections on GIZ supported costing studies in Asia and Africa
Reflections on GIZ supported costing studies in Asia and Africa

P4H Network has contributed to the costing study in Africa that GIZ has supported, among others, through its country focal person and health adviser in Tanzania.The Healthy DEvelopments article explores a series of complex costing studies supported by GIZ across...

Health financing for women and children amid climate change

The article published in BMJ Global Health explores the risks climate change poses to women children and adolescents, particularly in the most affected regions, and suggests ways to bridge health and climate finance to protect these groups. Women, children, and...

World Bank: Affordable health services to 1.5 billion people by 2030
World Bank: Affordable health services to 1.5 billion people by 2030

Focus on improved affordability, expanded geographic reach, and increased scope of services are the goals set at this year's spring meeting in collaboration with the WHO.This initiative is part of a broader effort to ensure a basic standard of care throughout every...

Michelin sets up a “decent wage” for all employees around the world
Michelin sets up a “decent wage” for all employees around the world

French company, Michelin's announcement of implementing 'universal social protection floor' to benefit employees in all its countries of operation is an example of private sector engagement in driving social health protection. In a recent article published by Les...

Africa cannot afford healthcare but can finance health
Africa cannot afford healthcare but can finance health

Article authored by Dr Githinji Gitahi, Amref Health Africa, calls for the region to go beyond set health funding targets that only concern health service delivery and consider financing social factors that determine healthcare as a more holistic approach to 'Health...

Strategic Disinvestments in Health: Panacea or Mirage?
Strategic Disinvestments in Health: Panacea or Mirage?

New blog by the Centre for Global Development explores the value of strategic disinvestment in LMICS. Disinvestment in healthcare seeks to redirect resources, but often encounters complex challenges, requiring strategic planning and political support to be effective....

The Economics Behind Health and Equity
The Economics Behind Health and Equity

Country-specific approaches to financing health systems and vaccines in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region can improve health outcomes while reducing out-of-pocket expenditure - Salzburg Global SeminarMENA Health Financing: The Middle East and North Africa...