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Health Insurance Archives - P4H Network
530 results
Spending for health in a complex system, the case of Argentina
Spending for health in a complex system, the case of Argentina

Argentina has health care professionals of recognized high quality, operating within a complex health care system. How can we ensure that the designated resources and member contributions are used efficiently and equitably? In the region, Argentina is recognized for...

More resources to improve health in Paraguay
More resources to improve health in Paraguay

The health sector in Paraguay is a priority in the 2025 national budget. Almost one third of the allocation for health is earmarked for medicines. This contributes to the protection against catastrophic expenditures, as medicines can be one of the causes. The nation's...

Effective member coverage to be reached by 2025
Effective member coverage to be reached by 2025
Dominican Republic

For the year 2025, which has just begun, there are several challenges for the health system in the Dominican Republic, in order to achieve effective health coverage of the population affiliated to the Family Health Insurance. Among others, it will be necessary to...

PhilHealth Zero Subsidy: Reflection of Government Neglect
PhilHealth Zero Subsidy: Reflection of Government Neglect

The decision to completely cut the government subsidy for PhilHealth has sparked criticism, as the agency faces scrutiny over its significant reserve funds while many Filipinos struggle with rising healthcare costs. With the subsidy elimination, PhilHealth will rely...

Health Financing Progress Matrix Assessment, Jordan 2024

This report presents the findings of the Health Financing Progress Matrix assessment for Jordan, highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of its health financing policies in relation to global standards. It identifies key priorities, such as addressing fragmentation...

An Analysis of Laws on Health Insurance in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Bosnia and Herzegovina

European Union's Council of Europe posted the following legal analysis report on its page dedicated to Social Security Coordination and Social Security Reforms: Document title: “An Analysis of Laws on Health Insurance in Bosnia and Herzegovina (Entity, Brcko District...