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Health Insurance Archives - Page 31 of 107 - P4H Network
530 results
Health Systems in Transition: Uzbekistan

Health System Review (HiT series) from WHO available for Uzbekistan: "Uzbekistan is a central Asian country that became independent in 1991 with the break-up of the Soviet Union. Since then, it has embarked on several major health reforms covering health care...

Public Spending on Health: A Closer Look at Global Trends

On the Universal Health Coverage Day (12 Dec 2018), WHO launched a new report "Public Spending on Health: A Closer Look at Global Trends". The report shows that the composition of global spending on health is changing, with increasing domestic public funding and...

St Kitts and Nevis proposes approaches to reaching UHC
Saint Kitts and Nevis

This green paper (preliminary report published by the government aimed at stimulating discussion and proposing ideas for debate) proposes a range of potential paths forward to improving access to health care, including health financing options. The potentialities of a...

Workshop on Public Social Health Insurance Design for Mozambique

An Inter-Ministerial Workshop was held in Maputo from 12th to 14th September, 2018, with the objective of aligning perspectives and start designing options for a possible Public Social Health Insurance. Over 30 participants from different Ministries included in the...

2018 Kenian UHC Monitoring Framework

"The Kenya UHC Road Map 2018-22 elaborates the investments needed to strengthen the health system and scale up coverage of interventions leading to the achievement of UHC goals. In line with this, an M&E plan has been developed to track sector performance as well...

2018 Kenya UHC Training Manual

"This manual is designed for stakeholders who will be involved in implementing UHC. It is intended to stimulate active learning through discussions, group exercises, and experience sharing e.t.c. The main objectives of UHC are: To increase population covered by...

Kenya’s 2018-2022 Roadmap to Universal Health Coverage
Kenya’s 2018-2022 Roadmap to Universal Health Coverage

The Government of Kenya has shown commitment to  implementing Universal Health Coverage as one of its "Big Four Agenda" with the aim to ensure that all individuals and communities in Kenya have access to quality essential health services without...

UHC Priorities, Dr Johansson
Tanzania, United Republic of

Presentation of the UCH Priorities (up til 2024) - Dr Johansson, University of Bergen