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Health Insurance Archives - Page 4 of 107 - P4H Network
530 results
National Health Insurance Policy

The Rwanda National Health Insurance Policy aims to achieve universal health coverage by 2020 through equity, solidarity, and risk-sharing principles, ensuring access to quality health care for all citizens. With over 92% of the population already insured through...

Senate mission warns of financialization of healthcare provision
Senate mission warns of financialization of healthcare provision

A Senate fact-finding mission sought to measure the phenomenon of financialization in the various sectors of healthcare provision. It identified the determinants and assessed the consequences for the organization of healthcare provision in different regions, the...

IGF and Igas identify savings levers for medical devices
IGF and Igas identify savings levers for medical devices

As part of the scheme to improve the quality of public action, the Inspection générale des Finances (IGF) and the Inspection générale des Affaires sociales (Igas) were commissioned in November 2023 to conduct an expenditure review on medical devices, which accounted...

The Ondam Alert Committee issues its second opinion
The Ondam Alert Committee issues its second opinion

Following an initial opinion published in April, the Comité d'alerte has published a second opinion on compliance with the National Health Insurance Expenditure Target (Ondam) for 2024. The Ondam target for 2024 was set at €254.9 billion in the last Social Security...

Health insurance: Income and expenditure report 2025

Based on analyses of trends in expenditure and practices, and drawing on French and international recommendations, the Charges et produits pour l'année 2025 report presents proposals and ideas for improving the quality and efficiency of care, and optimizing healthcare...