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Health systems Archives - Page 2 of 52 - P4H Network
260 results
Health systems in action: United Kingdom
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Key Insights The United Kingdom’s National Health Service (NHS) provides universal health coverage, primarily funded through general taxation, ensuring access to comprehensive care based on need rather than the ability to pay. Health and social care responsibilities...

PhilHealth benefits now cover outpatient emergency services
PhilHealth benefits now cover outpatient emergency services

The Philippine Health Insurance Corp. (PhilHealth) has introduced the Outpatient Emergency Care Benefit (OECB) package, effective January 1, following PhilHealth Circular No. 2024-0033. This initiative allows coverage for emergency procedures and services for patients...

Health Systems in Action Insights – Uzbekistan

Key Points Uzbekistan's health system currently provides a basic set of publicly financed health services, but it does not cover all essential services or medicines. The Ministry of Health oversees the organization and management of the largely public health services,...

Situation Analysis by WHO: Primary Health Care Financing in Ukraine

On 16 October 2023, WHO issued a report titled "Primary health care financing in Ukraine: a situation analysis and policy considerations". As reported by WHO-Europe, this report delves into the current state of primary health care (PHC) financing in Ukraine and...

IMF blog on rethinking health financing
IMF blog on rethinking health financing

IMF blog highlights fragmented health financing and inadequate domestic spending in low-income countries. They call for integrated health systems, better donor coordination, and increased domestic funding to achieve universal health coverage. In their recent blog for...

Health Financing Progress Matrix Assessment, Jordan 2024

This report presents the findings of the Health Financing Progress Matrix assessment for Jordan, highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of its health financing policies in relation to global standards. It identifies key priorities, such as addressing fragmentation...

Germany begins major reform of its hospital sector
Germany begins major reform of its hospital sector

The German parliament has approved a law to restructure the healthcare system, reducing the number of hospitals, expanding clinics, and streamlining bureaucracy through digitalization. Health Minister Karl Lauterbach described the reform as a "revolution."Germany's...