In the article "Health Outcome Convergence and the Roles of Public Health Financing and Governance in Africa," published in PLOS ONE, authors Ariane Ephemia, Ndzignat Mouteyica and Nicholas Nwanyek Ngepah explore the progress of African nations in reducing...

EU funding in Latvia will help to attract young doctors to work in the public sector
The Ministry of Health of Latvia announced financial incentives for doctors who fill in the vacancies in the public sector. A total of 6.9 million euros from the European Union will allow a one-time compensation equal to nine monthly salaries, between 7000 -16000...
Financing of Essential Public Health Services in the Caribbean Region – Case Study
The study focuses on financing arrangements enacted to ensure the predictability of funding and the sustainability in the level and flow of funds over the medium and long terms to carry out essential public health functions in Barbados, Grenada, Jamaica and Trinidad...
Health System Financing in Costa Rica
The authors explore the alternatives available to Sickness and Maternity Insurance (SEM) as a response to the challenges it faces in terms of financing options. The paper focuses its analysis on issues of insurance coverage, profile of the uninsured and financial...
National Health Development Plan 2024-2028
Based on the orientations of the PNS 2024-2034 (vision, values, guiding principles and reforms), and developed through an inclusive participatory process involving all stakeholders in national health action, the PNDS 2024-2028 is the first step in this renewed...
Making social protection a reality for people with TB: a perspective on new global guidance
The article "Making Social Protection a Reality for People with TB: A Perspective on New Global Guidance," published in the International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, examines the critical role of social protection in addressing the social and economic...
Fiscal and macroeconomic effects of different health system risks
Changes in demographic and morbidity patterns, new medical technologies, inefficiencies in the system and the structure of the labor market represent a challenge for the fiscal sustainability of the health system in Colombia since they require an increase in public...
PNDS 2022-2030 Volume II: Integrated monitoring and evaluation plan
The PNDS 2022-2030 Performance Framework is built around four (04) programs: Program 1: Accelerating the reduction of maternal, neonatal and infant/child mortality Program 2: Strengthening disease control Program 3: Health security and public health emergency...
Yearbook of health statistics 2023
The Statistical Yearbook presents Mauritania 's national health situation through data covering health status, coverage of target populations, and availability of resources. The information it contains comes from the routine data collection system, involving the...
The health system in Cuba
Since the Cuban Revolution in 1959, Cuba has made health a national priority and established a public, universal, free, patient-centered system. It is based on prevention and the family physician model, which has enabled it to achieve remarkable health results. By...
Latvian Public Health Guidelines 2021-2027 contain healthcare financing strategy
The Cabinet of Ministers of Latvia approved the Public Health Guidelines 2021-2027 -- a mid-term planning document guiding the development of the health care system. Responsible institutions: The Ministry of Health is the responsible institution for the implementation...
The Dominica health strategic plan (2010-2019) – Vol 1
A health situation analysis was conducted as the basis for the 2010-2019 Dominica health strategic plan. Health financing component is included in section 5 “Resources for Health”.
Armenia Health system review
This analysis of the Armenian health system reviews the developments in organization and governance, health financing, healthcare provision, health reforms and health system performance since 2006.
Healthcare in transition in the Republic of Armenia: the evolution of emergency medical systems and directions forward
Armenia has made remarkable strides in development, showing differential growth in varied sectors in Armenia. Emergency systems is one of the sectors which is neglected in the current drive to modernize. The development of emergency care systems is an extremely...
Public opinion about the health care system in Armenia: findings from a cross-sectional telephone survey
The study conducted by Tsovinar Harutyunyan and Varduhi Hayrumyan in Armenia evaluated public satisfaction with the healthcare system through a phone survey of 576 Yerevan residents. Results revealed 45.5% dissatisfaction and 49% negative views on equal access....