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Country key documents Archives - P4H Network
366 results
Situation Analysis by WHO: Primary Health Care Financing in Ukraine

On 16 October 2023, WHO issued a report titled "Primary health care financing in Ukraine: a situation analysis and policy considerations". As reported by WHO-Europe, this report delves into the current state of primary health care (PHC) financing in Ukraine and...

Health Insurance Law of North Macedonia
Macedonia (Republic of North)

Based on Article 75, paragraphs 1 and 2 of the Constitution of the Republic of Macedonia, the President of the Republic of Macedonia and the President of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia approved the Law on Health Insurance through Decree on promulgation of...

Romanian National Health Strategy 2023 – 2030 and the Action Plan

The National Health Strategy 2023 - 2030 of Romania (labeled as Annex no. 1) and the corresponding Action Plan for the period 2023 - 2030 (labelled as Annex no. 2) are approved by the Government Decision and are available at the Ministry of Health's webpage here. The...

Law on health insurance of Slovakia of 21 October 2004

The Law on health insurance of Slovakia, signed by the Prime Minister of Slovakia Mikulas Dzurinda, and adopted by the Parliament of the Slovak Republic (Národná rada Slovenskej republiky) establishes health insurance, legal relations arising from health insurance and...

National Development Strategy VISION 2030
Trinidad and Tobago

The National Health Agenda is guided by the National Development Strategy, VISION 2030 Many Hearts, Many Voices, One Vision. Goal 4 states that the Healthcare System of Trinidad and Tobago will be sustainable and modern and deliver higher standards of healthcare. In...

Compulsory Health Insurance Act of the Republic of Croatia, 2023

Compulsory health insurance in Croatia is provided by the Croatian Health Insurance Institute. Compulsory health insurance provides all insured persons with the rights and obligations on the principles of reciprocity, solidarity and equality. Compulsory health...

Extending Social Health Protection in Brunei Darussalam
Brunei Darussalam

Brunei Darussalam has the second-highest GDP in Southeast Asia. The country offers free and comprehensive healthcare services through a network of public health facilities. This system is fully funded by the government, with the majority of healthcare financing...

Extending Social Health Protection in Singapore

Singapore applies a “mixed payer” social health protection model which is built around four central philosophies: the importance of personal motivation, targeted subsidies, a strong survival motif, and the use of market mechanisms to enhance efficiency. This country...

The 2022 restructure of Aotearoa New Zealand’s health system
New Zealand

Aotearoa New Zealand has restructured its health system with the aim of addressing inequities in access to healthcare services and health outcomes, particularly among the indigenous Māori population. In July 2022, two new organizations, Health New Zealand and Māori...

Plan Comores Émergent 2030

The vision of the Plan Comores Émergent is to foster "a strong economy in which the industrial sector, particularly manufacturing, plays a major role in wealth creation and in the modernization of the Comorian economy". According to the President of the Union of the...

WHO published Health Financing Progress Matrix assessment for Tajikistan
WHO published Health Financing Progress Matrix assessment for Tajikistan

As described here by WHO, this report summarizes the findings of the Health Financing Progress Matrix assessment, WHO’s standardized assessment of a country’s health financing policies, for Tajikistan. The report highlights both strengths and weaknesses in...

The Austrian Health Care System: Key Facts (2019)

The overview of the Austrian health care system developed by the Federal Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs, Health and Consumer Protection of Austria (the Ministry), was edited by a team from the Ministry's subordinate agency Gesundheit Österreich GmbH (Healthy...

National Health Insurance Policy

The Rwanda National Health Insurance Policy aims to achieve universal health coverage by 2020 through equity, solidarity, and risk-sharing principles, ensuring access to quality health care for all citizens. With over 92% of the population already insured through...