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Country key documents Archives - Page 17 of 71 - P4H Network
354 results
Oman – Sustainable Finance Framework

Oman's Sustainable Finance Framework is designed to support the country's transition to a low-carbon, sustainable economy. It enables the issuance of green, social, and sustainability bonds and sukuk to finance projects aligned with Oman Vision 2040. The framework...

Organizational and functional audit of the MSP of Niger

This document is the final report of the organizational and functional audit of the Ministry of Public Health in Niger. It identifies the priority areas for modernization and the major orientations for strengthening the Ministry of Health's capacities in the short,...

Reflections and actions for an FCS 2.0 in Niger

The document, drawn up by Jean François CAREMEL, P4H-CFP in Niger, was prompted by a request from the Secretary General of the Ministry of Health, in the context of the decision to refocus the Fonds Commun Santé on fungible funds: "To develop an analysis to feed into...

Health equity in Niger

The study analyzes several aspects of inequality in the healthcare system: health outcomes, healthcare service utilization, financial protection (FP) and benefit incidence analysis (BIA). It uses the EDS/ENAFEME surveys for health (2006, 2012, 2021), and ECVMA/EHCVM...

Niger 2022 Economic Update

After a COVID-19 related growth slowdown in 2020, Niger’s economic recovery was hit by a series of climate and security shocks in 2021 that deteriorated many economic and social indicators. As a result, GDP growth decelerated to 1.4 percent in 2021, which translated...

Law on Comprehensive Health Services of the Plurinational State of Bolivia
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)

Law 475 provided for comprehensive health care and financial protection for Bolivian inhabitants who did not have health insurance from the social security system's managing entities. This law provides financial health protection to all inhabitants of the...

National Health Service Delivery Survey RCA-2019
Central African Republic

The first of its kind in the Central African Republic, this report presents reliable information on the availability of health services, the general operational capacity of services, the availability and operational capacity of specific health services, comprehensive...

National health accounts report from 2015 to 2018 in CAR
Central African Republic

Health accounts are a tool for systematically, consistently and exhaustively tracking the flow of resources in a country's healthcare system. In the CAR, they are drawn up on a regular basis and make it possible to assess the total amount allocated to healthcare...

National Community Health Policy CAR 2020-2030
Central African Republic

The community health policy stems from the presidential impetus for the CSU, where we note a preoccupation with bringing care closer to the population, guided by equity and the concern to spare families from certain expenses linked to distance and delays in care.The...

CAR National Health Development Plan 2022-2026
Central African Republic

The third-generation National Health Development Plan 2022-2026 (PNDS III) sets itself the challenge of reversing the current high levels of maternal mortality, infant mortality and neonatal mortality, in order to improve the life expectancy of Central Africans. The...

National social protection policy in Niger

The Government's adoption of the National Social Protection Policy reflects its desire and commitment to promote a new form of governance that encourages public authorities to accept and assume full responsibility for providing more extensive social protection...

National strategy for financing free health care in Niger

This strategy, based on linking the FBR to free healthcare and stimulating demand for healthcare through the FBR Communautaire, has been drawn up to guide the Nigerien government and its partners on strategic and harmonized implementation methods.

National Health Accounts for Niger-2021

The aim of this report, covering the year 2021, is to analyze national healthcare expenditure globally, and to produce specific sub-accounts for certain diseases and conditions of greatest concern to the healthcare sector.

Study report on the benefits of free healthcare in Niger

The aim of this study is to take stock of other free services in the healthcare system and of insurance mechanisms for patient care, and to analyze and make proposals for the implementation of a health risk coverage scheme. This document was prepared by Samia Laokri...