The document outlines Ethiopia's Health Care Financing Strategy (HCF) spanning 2022-2031, building on past successes and challenges to advance towards Universal Health Coverage (UHC) via Primary Health Care (PHC). It aims to ensure equitable access to essential health...
Health Financing Progress Matrix assessment
This report provides a concise summary of Ethiopia's Health Financing Progress Matrix assessment, identifying strengths and weaknesses in the health financing system, and priority areas of health financing that need to be addressed to drive progress towards Universal...
Making progress towards UHC through health financing reforms
Sierra Leone's Health financing progress matrix report highlights the country’s progress towards Universal Health Care (UHC) through health financing reforms. The report underscores the country's commitment to strengthening pooling mechanisms, advancing provider...
Strategic Plan 2022-2026 of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Microfinance in Benin
This sector strategy will be offered to all players as a frame of reference to better target and organize their interventions in the short and medium term. Hence the need to adapt MASM's strategic plan not only to this imperative, but also to the directives of the Loi...
Benin National Development Plan 2018-2025
Based on the Benin 2025 Alafia vision, the 2018-2025 National Development Plan incorporates new economic and social development challenges at national, African and international levels. The NDP 2018-2025 is structured around the following major themes: i) human...
Report on the analysis of cross-programmatic efficiency in health in Cameroon
This document has been prepared as part of the Cross-Programmatic Health Efficiency Analysis (CPEA) in Cameroon, conducted by the Ministry of Public Health with the support of the World Health Organization and the P4H network.The World Health Organization's (WHO)...
Ecuador: Institutional Strategic Plan 2021 – 2025
This plan includes a first chapter with a diagnosis and analysis of the Institution to determine its initial situation. The second chapter presents the guiding elements and sets out the vision, mission, axes and strategic objectives. The third chapter concludes with...
Dominican Republic: National Strategic Health Plan 2030
The National Strategic Health Plan 2030 is a general guide that presents an integral and holistic vision of the health sector in the Dominican Republic and establishes the roadmap for the health sector in the medium term.The objective of the Strategic Plan 2030 is to...
Guinea’s national health development plan
Guinea has a National Health Policy based on primary health care and health system strengthening, aimed at universal access to essential health care and services.Implementation of the PNDS 2015-2024 will focus on a sectoral approach at all levels of the national...
Decree setting up the CSU steering committee in Burundi
In February 2024, the Ministry of Public Health organized a dialogue on financing the healthcare system from internal resources. This dialogue recommended the creation of a Steering Committee to monitor the process of setting up Universal Health Coverage (UHC) in...
Poland’s National Health Program 2021-2025
The Ministry of Health of Poland published the National Health Program (NHP) which serves as a strategic public health document and provides the foundation for actions in this domain. As stipulated in Article 9 of the Public Health Act of September 11, 2015, the...
A single guide to implementing and managing the process of targeting poor households -Benin
Benin has validated a unique methodology for identifying the poorest for social protection programs. This approach recommends a pre-identification of the poorest by the communities and a final refinement through a PMT survey to determine the poverty levels of each...
Decree implementing AMO-Benin
This decree defines the implementation of compulsory health insurance in the Republic of Benin.Health insurance is taken out either with the National Social Welfare Agency or any successor public body, or with an insurance company or organization approved in Benin or...
Insurance program for human capital reinforcement (ARCH) – Benin
Project ARCH is part of the Beninese government's drive to offer a minimum package of basic social services to the most disadvantaged. It is part of the national institutional framework and aims to develop synergies with other projects and initiatives already...
Muskoka study on CSU in Benin
This research aims to help participating countries meet the challenge of building on what already exists to move towards CSU. The aim is to document the extent to which the 'CSU' systems of the countries participating in the study meet the criteria of the Learning...