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Country key documents Archives - Page 23 of 71 - P4H Network
354 results
Maldives National Health Accounts 2015-2017

This round of NHA examined several aspects of health expenditure distributed by disease conditions, age and gender as Maldives is currently experiencing rapid epidemiological transition, non-communicable disease conditions remain a challenge, compounded by several...

Health Financing Strategy 2020-2030

The health financing strategy highlights the shift from a traditional, disease-focused financing approach to one that emphasizes Universal Health Coverage (UHC) and addresses the broader determinants of health as outlined by the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)....

Strategic Health Plan for Suriname 2019-2028

The plan speaks to the development and implementation of a new healthcare model for Suriname. A logical framework defines how the healthcare system will be organized, funded and managed to deliver the required services that respond to the health needs, demands and...

St Kitts and Nevis proposes approaches to reaching UHC
Saint Kitts and Nevis

This green paper (preliminary report published by the government aimed at stimulating discussion and proposing ideas for debate) proposes a range of potential paths forward to improving access to health care, including health financing options. The potentialities of a...

Diagnosis of the health financing system in Comoros_2018

This document is a comprehensive analysis of the financing system. it was carried out by a WHO mission in May 2018. A reform of the healthcare financing system can be achieved on the basis of the stated political will to set up Universal Health Coverage and, more...

Comoros National Health Financing Strategy

The National Health Financing Strategy defines the guidelines for arranging and directing financial flows devoted to health care so that they contribute to access to care, availability of care and protection against financial risk for all. The national health...

National Health Policy 2030

According to Mauritania's Minister of Health, this National Health Policy (PNS) will serve as the basic guideline for all actions carried out in the sector for the 2017-2030 period. It is based on an analysis of the sector's situation and takes into account the...

PNDS II 2017-2020 Final version

Volume II of the National Health Development Plan PNDS II (2017-2020) is subdivided into 4 parts: Reminder of the national health context, Strategic priorities Logical framework for intervention Framework for financing, implementing, monitoring and evaluating the...

Maldives National Health Accounts 2014

The Maldives National Health Accounts series provides a detailed overview of resource flows in a health care system. It gives indications on where resources for health come from and where they are utilized. The completion of the second round of National Health...

Sláintecare: Ireland’s 10-year plan to reform the health system
Sláintecare: Ireland’s 10-year plan to reform the health system

‘Sláintecare’ (published in 2017) is the Irish government’s 10 year health plan. The five interrelated components include population health; entitlements and access to healthcare; integrated care; funding; and implementation. The goals of this plan are to establish a...

2016-2025 Health Sector Strategy

Granada’s 2016-2025 Health sector strategy is constructed around the World Health Organization’s six health systems building blocks, with a specific section on Health Financing.