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913 results
PhilHealth Zero Subsidy: Reflection of Government Neglect
PhilHealth Zero Subsidy: Reflection of Government Neglect

The decision to completely cut the government subsidy for PhilHealth has sparked criticism, as the agency faces scrutiny over its significant reserve funds while many Filipinos struggle with rising healthcare costs. With the subsidy elimination, PhilHealth will rely...

Germany begins major reform of its hospital sector
Germany begins major reform of its hospital sector

The German parliament has approved a law to restructure the healthcare system, reducing the number of hospitals, expanding clinics, and streamlining bureaucracy through digitalization. Health Minister Karl Lauterbach described the reform as a "revolution."Germany's...

An Analysis of Laws on Health Insurance in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Bosnia and Herzegovina

European Union's Council of Europe posted the following legal analysis report on its page dedicated to Social Security Coordination and Social Security Reforms: Document title: “An Analysis of Laws on Health Insurance in Bosnia and Herzegovina (Entity, Brcko District...

Health Insurance Law of North Macedonia
Macedonia (Republic of North)

Based on Article 75, paragraphs 1 and 2 of the Constitution of the Republic of Macedonia, the President of the Republic of Macedonia and the President of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia approved the Law on Health Insurance through Decree on promulgation of...

The Health Care Insurance Act of the Republic of Serbia

The Health Care Insurance Act of the Republic of Serbia was originally published in the "Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia" Nos. 107/05 and 109/05 in the year 2005. The Act provides access to healthcare services and financial support during times of medical...

Law on health insurance of Slovakia of 21 October 2004

The Law on health insurance of Slovakia, signed by the Prime Minister of Slovakia Mikulas Dzurinda, and adopted by the Parliament of the Slovak Republic (Národná rada Slovenskej republiky) establishes health insurance, legal relations arising from health insurance and...

Health Services Fundamental Law of Turkey No.3359 of 1987

The Fundamental Law on Health Services (Law No. 3359), enacted in 1987, establishes the core principles for organizing and managing healthcare services across Turkey. It outlines both the rights and responsibilities of healthcare providers, patients, and institutions...

Law of Moldova about the compulsory health insurance Nr. 1585 / 1998
Republic of Moldova

The analysis of Republic of Moldova's Law No. 1585 on Mandatory Health Insurance, updated as of October 26, 2023, focuses on the main provisions, objectives, and implications of the mandatory health insurance system within the country. The Mandatory Health Insurance...