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Legal & Institution Archives - Page 10 of 174 - P4H Network
851 results
Social Health Insurance(General) Regulations, 2023

Kenya is currently undergoing a transition from the 57-year-old National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF) to the Social Health Insurance Fund (SHIF). This shift aims to ensure equitable access to healthcare services for the impoverished and those in the informal sector...

Ecuador: Institutional Strategic Plan 2021 – 2025

This plan includes a first chapter with a diagnosis and analysis of the Institution to determine its initial situation. The second chapter presents the guiding elements and sets out the vision, mission, axes and strategic objectives. The third chapter concludes with...

Dominican Republic: National Strategic Health Plan 2030
Dominican Republic

The National Strategic Health Plan 2030 is a general guide that presents an integral and holistic vision of the health sector in the Dominican Republic and establishes the roadmap for the health sector in the medium term.The objective of the Strategic Plan 2030 is to...

Decree setting up the CSU steering committee in Burundi

In February 2024, the Ministry of Public Health organized a dialogue on financing the healthcare system from internal resources. This dialogue recommended the creation of a Steering Committee to monitor the process of setting up Universal Health Coverage (UHC) in...

Poland’s National Health Program 2021-2025

The Ministry of Health of Poland published the National Health Program (NHP) which serves as a strategic public health document and provides the foundation for actions in this domain. As stipulated in Article 9 of the Public Health Act of September 11, 2015, the...

Decree implementing AMO-Benin

This decree defines the implementation of compulsory health insurance in the Republic of Benin.Health insurance is taken out either with the National Social Welfare Agency or any successor public body, or with an insurance company or organization approved in Benin or...

What Can Value for Money in Health Care Learn from the Regulatory World?

The Centre for Global Development blog post by Javier Guzman discusses how Health Technology Assessment (HTA) systems can benefit from the experience of regulatory systems.The article argues that while the two have different goals (regulatory systems ensure safety and...

The government’s program for the health insurance branch
The government’s program for the health insurance branch

On September 27, the government said it knew how to reduce healthcare expenditure by 3.5 billion euros by 2024.According to the Social Security Financing Bill (PLFSS) for 2024, without new savings measures, the national health insurance expenditure target (Ondam)...

Financing investment in the healthcare sector
Financing investment in the healthcare sector

The Haut conseil pour l'avenir de l'Assurance maladie (Hcaam) assesses the state of France's healthcare sector and presents its recommendations.Last November, the Hcaam published five documents to shed light on the mechanisms of healthcare investment and its...