The Prevention Act (PrävG), which came into force on July 25, 2015, aims to improve cooperation between social insurance providers, states, and municipalities in promoting health and prevention for people of all age groups. This initiative emphasizes prevention in...
Health Care Services Organization Act of Estonia 2001
Health Care Services Organization Act, adopted on 09.05.2001 (RT I 2001, 50, 284) is effective since 01.01.2002, and was last amended on 18.10.2024. The law stipulates the organization and requirements for the provision of health care services and the procedure for...

Kenya: High Court suspends implementation of Social Health Insurance Act
Putting a halt to the government's plans, Kenya's High Court suspended the planned implementation of the Social Health Insurance Act 2023 by the Ministry of Health until February 2024.In a brief ruling rendered by Justice Chacha Mwita on Monday, November 27, 2023,...

Tanzania enacts the Universal Health Insurance Bill
On November 1, 2023, the Parliament of the United Republic of Tanzania enacted the Universal Health Insurance Bill, a pivotal piece of legislation aimed at ensuring widespread access to healthcare services for citizens through a comprehensive health insurance system....

Colombia introduces junk food tax
Colombia has implemented a tax on ultra-processed foods, becoming one of the first countries in the Americas to take such a measure to tackle obesity, diabetes, and other lifestyle diseases.The Lancet reports that Colombia is one of the first to tax food high in salt...

Malaysia MOH Moots National Health Insurance With Employee, Employer, Government Contributions
Malaysia is exploring a national health insurance scheme funded by employees, employers, and the government that will be “run by the government, non-profit driven, and uses the philosophy of shared responsibility," says Dr Zaliha Mustafa, the Minister of...

The main measures of France’s social security financing bill 2024
In France, the Social Security financing bill for 2024 was tabled before the National Assembly on 27 September 2023. The article by the French Administration outlines the measures provided under the bill. The Social Security financing bill (PLFSS) for 2024 was...

Kenya: President signs four new healthcare bills into law
On 17 October, Kenya's President, William Ruto signed the four healthcare bills, Social Health Insurance Bill, Primary Health Care Bill, Facility Improvement Financing Bill, and Digital Health Bill into law after they were passed by the Parliament recently.The Social...

Nepal: National Health Financing Strategy 2023- 2033
The Government of Nepal has recently endorsed a new ten-year strategy for health financing with the aim of ensuring equitable financial management to achieve universal health coverage (UHC) in Nepal. The National Health Financing Strategy 2080- 2090 includes strategic...
Comparison of Health Care Coverage for Migrant Workers in the GCC
This policy note compares the healthcare coverage for migrant workers in the six GCC states – Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates. This report solely examines the legal provisions and does not evaluate migrant workers’ actual...

Webinar | Kenya’s social health insurance bill: What, why and how?
3 October 2023 | 4-5:30 PM-EAT (9-10:30 AM-ET) ThinkWell's latest Counterpoint webinar titled “Kenya’s new Social Health Insurance Bill: What, why, and how?” will offer a deep look into the purpose of the bill, its key features, and how it will be incorporated into...

Ever-growing health expenditure and mandatory social health insurance: what’s next? – Part 3 of a 3-part series
[ba_gradient_heading title="Thinking it all over" html_tag="h3" primary_color="#455A64" secondary_color="#455A64" admin_label="HEADING (50-60 characters)" _builder_version="4.21.0" _module_preset="default" title_font="||||||||" title_font_size="32px"...

Ever-growing health expenditure and mandatory social health insurance: what’s next? – Part 1 of a 3-part series
[ba_gradient_heading title="From Soviet-era central planning to the post-Soviet social health insurance umbrella" html_tag="h3" primary_color="#455A64" secondary_color="#455A64" admin_label="HEADING (50-60 characters)" _builder_version="4.21.0"...
Sharing experiences on the universal health cover programme in Côte d’Ivoire
Building on a ten in country analysis of SHP and HF institutional frameworks initiated in the previous reporting period, P4H-CD provided in-depth support to P4H-CFPs from Cote d’Ivoire and Cambodia with the support of a WHO contracted consultant. The consultant...

Ethiopia Social Health Insurance Proclamation No.690 /2010
This proclamation serves as an official declaration, establishing the fundamental provisions and principles of the social health insurance program in Ethiopia. It outlines the guidelines regarding coverage and eligibility, premiums, benefits and services, governance...