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851 results
Zanzibar Health Services Fund Act 2023
Tanzania, United Republic of

Zanzibar makes accelerated efforts to attain UHC The government of Zanzibar is dedicated to ensuring that every citizen has access to affordable and high-quality healthcare, aiming to achieve universal health coverage (UHC). As part of its ongoing efforts towards UHC,...

The road to Universal Health Coverage in Egypt:  New expectations and hopes
The road to Universal Health Coverage in Egypt: New expectations and hopes

This article originally featured in International Health Policies, discusses Egypt’s healthcare system, the universal health insurance law (2017) that exhibited Egypt’s political will to work towards universal health coverage, and the implementation of the law in the...

Burkina Faso-AMU : registration of civil servants effective June 2023
Burkina Faso-AMU : registration of civil servants effective June 2023
Burkina Faso

In order to implement universal health insurance in Burkina Faso, the Transitional Legislative Assembly submitted the matter for debate on Friday, March 3, 2023, in Ouagadougou. The Minister of State in charge of the Civil Service has announced measures for its...

Message to the nation of Mali on the situation COVID-19 – April 2020
Message to the nation of Mali on the situation COVID-19 – April 2020

As of today, Mali has 87 infected patients. Sadly, this figure is set to rise in the days to come, if evil unrolls its merciless machinery there, as it has elsewhere, spreading mourning in its wake, instilling fear and anxiety everywhere, and battering even the...

Framework Law for Universal Health Insurance in Peru

The purpose of Framework Law 29344, enacted on April 8, 2009, is to establish the regulatory framework for universal health insurance, in order to guarantee the full and progressive right of every person to social security in health, as well as to regulate access and...

2022 National Health Insurance Bill

The National Health Insurance Bill of 2022 follows the national health insurance acts of 2006 and 2017. Among other things, this new bill brings together public and private clinical practices under a common financing structure, and establishes a standard health...

Egypt: Increasing financing of the health system in the past 8 years
Egypt: Increasing financing of the health system in the past 8 years

Egypt's comprehensive universal health insurance law (2018) has been accompanied by a number of decisive steps by the country's government to make it effective. It was followed by the launch of a package of health reforms to expedite the provision of service to the...