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Legal & Institution Archives - Page 14 of 174 - P4H Network
851 results
An update on the national health insurance scheme in Uganda
An update on the national health insurance scheme in Uganda

The government of Uganda is in process of implementing the national health insurance scheme (NHIS)with the goal of improving financial risk protection and attaining universal health coverage. In this article see the questions to and the responses from the chief...

Institutional Report 2020 | BINASSS
Costa Rica

The Costa Rican Social Security Fund's 2020 annual report covers all of its activities including health and the response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Guatemalan Health Code

The Political Constitution of the Republic recognizes that the enjoyment of health is a fundamental human right without discrimination of any kind, and obliges the State to ensure it. The Guatemalan Health Code defines the responsibility of citizens and obligations of...

Colombia: Constitutional Ruling 760

In this judgment, the Constitutional Court addresses several cases in which the protection of the right to health is invoked. These cases refer to various situations in which the required access to health services was denied.

Dominican Republic- Law 87-01
Dominican Republic

Law 87-01 of 2001 creates the National Social Security System in the Dominican Republic.

By changing the Tax Code, Turkmenistan raised excise duty on tobacco by 25%
By changing the Tax Code, Turkmenistan raised excise duty on tobacco by 25%

Turkmenistan has raised excise rates on tobacco products, as well as on other manufactured tobacco and industrial tobacco substitutes. Changes to the excise rates were made in accordance with the Law of Turkmenistan “On Making Addenda and Amendments to the Tax Code of...

National Health Development Plan 2021-2025
Equatorial Guinea

The document includes the programmatic framework of the National Health System and includes four priority programs: equitable access of the population to quality health services, health safety, emergencies and catastrophes, health promotion and strengthening of the...

The Ministry implements the first civil health insurance

The Civilian Insurance Programme (CIP) is a semi-autonomous fund managed by the Ministry of Health (MOH) providing 42% of Jordanians with formal health insurance. The CIP covers all civil servants and their dependents for care at MOH facilities, RMS facilities,...