By the relevant decision of the Government of Uzbekistan, Dr Farrukh Rakhimovich Sharipov has been appointed as the Executive Director of the State Health Insurance Fund. Farrukh Sharipov was born in 1969 in the Samarkand region. He started his career as a...
The government of Eswatini urged to introduce COVID-19 to increase fiscal space
The COVID-19 pandemic came with a lot of uncertainties and has had a significant impact on not only the health sector but also on the economy especially in low and middle income countries. However, it also presented an opportunity for governments to be innovative in...
Social Protection System Review of Cambodia, OECD Development Pathways
"The Social Protection System Review is intended to contribute to the implementation of the Social Protection Policy Framework. It provides analysis and recommendations to lay the foundations for a comprehensive and sustainable social protection system."
Oman government meets COVID 19 healthcare challenge by procuring private sector services
Oman’s public health sector partnered with private healthcare institutions that helped in lessening the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the country. Private sector participation increased the country’s hospitalization capacity, handled the overflow of patients from...
State Agency for Mandatory Health Insurance made some organizational restructuring
Some organizational changes were made in the Azerbaijani Management Union of Medical Territorial Units, called TABIB for short in the local language. TABIB is the subsidiary organization of the State Agency for Mandatory Health Insurance. So the unique structure...
Country Briefs CIS webinar: Social Health Protection and Health Financing Reforms (March 2022)
CIS country summaries: social protection reforms in health care and health financing
Impact Evaluation of Service Delivery Grants to Improve Quality of Health Care Delivery in Cambodia
"The purpose of this report was to provide an overview of the Health Equity and Quality Improvement Project (H-EQIP) and to present the baseline findings of the Service Delivery Grants impact evaluation. Hte report also includes a discussion and outlines some policy...
To contain costs, Kazakhstan’s Government is capping expenses for hospital construction
Under the State Health Development Program for years 2020-2025, adopted in 2019 and reframed into a National Project "Healthy Nation" in 2021, Kazakhstan has planned to build 20 large hospitals to replace multiple existing worn-out hospitals accross the country....
The Philippines 2022 national budget secured free COVID-19 testing
The Philippines has allocated P17.85 billion under the 2022 national budget for Covid-19 testing, aiming to ensure affordability and accessibility to the tests among its population. The funds will be allocated to the state laboratories so that more free tests...
President Koroma launches social health insurance scheme
The president of Sierra Leone, Ernest Bai Koroma launched the Sierra Leone Social Health Insurance Scheme(SLeSHI) on Friday, 16 February. The scheme is meant to provide Universal Healthcare Coverage for all and sundry across the country. While...
Health coverage for workers in Egypt
This study explains the healthcare coverage that Egyptian employees receive based on formal employment. The paper details the legislative, institutional and technical aspects relevant to various occupational healthcare (OCH) services in Egypt, emphasizing the central...
Health Financing Strategy of the new SHI in Egypt
Egypt has a strong commitment to universal health care (UHC). Article 18 of the Egyptian Constitution says that the State shall establish a comprehensive health insurance system covering all diseases for all Egyptians. This PowerPoint (2016) presentation by the...
Health financing policy reforms for Universal Health Coverage (UHC) in Eastern, Central and Southern Africa (ECSA)- Health Community Region
This research paper discusses the evolution of health financing reforms in the selected regions of Africa. From the provision of free primary health care to introduction of user fees at the point of use in response to low economic growth, large informal sector,...
Issuance of the amended system of the civil health insurance system in the Official Gazette, Jordan
The amended civil health insurance system for the year 2022 was issued in the Official Gazette of Jordan which reads with the original Regulation No. 83 of 2004. In the amended system, it was mentioned that the beneficiaries are divided into two groups, the first...