This Prakas prescribes the provider payment methods for medical services that NSSF shall reimburse to contracted health facilities.
Health Insurance introduced for the Jordanian Armed Forces
In 1963, the first health insurance scheme was initiated for members of the Jordanian armed forces (JAF). The Royal Medical Services (RMS) provides medical support to the forces, and is one of the leading health authorities in Jordan, playing a distinguished role in...
The Social Security Law No. 19
This Law establishes the General Social Security Institution to provide social insurance for all workers under sixteen with certain exceptions (seafarers, domestic servants, agricultural workers). The major chapters in the Law are on labour injuries and occupational...
Social Security Corporation established
The Social Security Corporation was established to protect and take care of Jordan’s workforce socially and economically. It is a socio-economic integral umbrella to protect their social and economic rights and provides insurance benefits and privileges to the insured...
Interim amended law No. 26 (Social security)
Amended certain provisions of social health protection. The Law (In Arabic)
Public Health Law no 47
This Law aims at regulating issues related to the public health system in Jordan. The Law governs all professions related to public health and conditions and necessary procedures required for practicing in the medical profession. Article 4 also states that the...
Interim Law No. 7 (Social security)
This law includes provisions for insurance against work injuries, old-age, maternity insurance, insurance against unemployment and health insurance. The Law (English)
Social Security Law No. 1 of 2014 and its amendments
This replaced all preceding interim laws on social security and includes amendments to the provisions of health insurance in interim law no 7 (social security). Social Security Law (Ammended) 2014
National Aid Fund (NAF)
The NAF was established with the aim of securing protection and care for financially vulnerable families, raising their standard of living by providing monthly and emergency financial aid. The NAF's functions include referrals to the Ministry of Health to issue...
Higher Health Council Law No. 9
The law established the High Health Council. The council’s mandate is also to organize and develop the health sector as a whole so as to extend health services to all citizens according to the most advanced methods and scientific technology. It publishes the National...
Law on Social Security Schemes
"This law has the objectives to define common principles, procedures, mechanisms and administration system of social security schemes of the Kingdom of Cambodia such as Pension, Health Care, Occupational Risk and Unemployment Schemes."

Tajikistan is to introduce health insurance for the working
According to the Ministry of Labour, Migration and Employment of Tajikistan , the country is considering and discussing with WHO the introduction of compulsory health insurance for employees of organizations and enterprises of the country. Health insurance reform was...

Amended law will speed up healthcare reforms in Kenya
As part of the President Uhuru Kenyatta’s Big Four agenda, the Kenyan government put in place several strategies to facilitate the realisation of Universal Health Coverage (UHC). One of the strategies chosen was the introduction of the National Health Insurance Fund...
Inclusive healthcare and the political settlement in Cambodia
"This paper analysis the Cambodian health system, and more specifically the "Health Equity Funds" from a political economy perspective"

President of Azerbaijan reforms the Health Insurance System to increase transparency
In May 2022, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan made several decisions aimed at improving health care system management, specifically focusing on the health insurance system. Among the decisions made by the Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev were amendments to...