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Legal & Institution Archives - Page 17 of 174 - P4H Network
851 results
Honduran Social Security Institute seeks to expand coverage with new law
Honduran Social Security Institute seeks to expand coverage with new law

The executive director of the IHSS, Adriana Zúñiga, proposes to the health commission of the National Congress that the institute joins the efforts for the creation of the new Social Security Law, allowing the expansion of coverage based on updated actuarial studies....

Oman’s Dhamani Health Insurance Platform onboards over 100 entities
Oman’s Dhamani Health Insurance Platform onboards over 100 entities

The first 100 stakeholders participating in the delivery of the National Health Insurance Project (Dhamani) have now been onboarded and registered on the Dhamani platform underpinning the implementation of the compulsory health insurance programme in the Sultanate of...

Cameroon: Order to set up a CSU committee

The Ministry of Health has decided to set up a committee to reflect on and monitor the implementation of the CSU pilot phase. This committee's mission is to propose the documents required to operationalize the CSU's operational phase at the end of 2021. Working group...

The South Africa National Health Insurance bill
South Africa

In 2019, the South African government committed to establishing a National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) Fund to ensure that the most vulnerable are protected from catastrophic expenditures from medical expenses to attain universal health coverage. This NHI Act,...

Social Protection System Review of Cambodia, OECD Development Pathways

"The Social Protection System Review is intended to contribute to the implementation of the Social Protection Policy Framework. It provides analysis and recommendations to lay the foundations for a comprehensive and sustainable social protection system."