Based on Article 75, paragraphs 1 and 2 of the Constitution of the Republic of Macedonia, the President of the Republic of Macedonia and the President of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia approved the Law on Health Insurance through Decree on promulgation of...
The Health Care Insurance Act of the Republic of Serbia
The Health Care Insurance Act of the Republic of Serbia was originally published in the "Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia" Nos. 107/05 and 109/05 in the year 2005. The Act provides access to healthcare services and financial support during times of medical...
Law on health insurance of Slovakia of 21 October 2004
The Law on health insurance of Slovakia, signed by the Prime Minister of Slovakia Mikulas Dzurinda, and adopted by the Parliament of the Slovak Republic (Národná rada Slovenskej republiky) establishes health insurance, legal relations arising from health insurance and...
Staying the Course: Reflections on the Progress and Challenges of the UHC Law in the Philippines
The Philippine UHC law, enacted in 2019, aims to enhance equitable access to quality health services by reforming the PhilHealth and supporting local government units through a Special Health Fund. Despite facing implementation challenges, the initiative highlights...
Health Services Fundamental Law of Turkey No.3359 of 1987
The Fundamental Law on Health Services (Law No. 3359), enacted in 1987, establishes the core principles for organizing and managing healthcare services across Turkey. It outlines both the rights and responsibilities of healthcare providers, patients, and institutions...
Law of Moldova about the compulsory health insurance Nr. 1585 / 1998
The analysis of Republic of Moldova's Law No. 1585 on Mandatory Health Insurance, updated as of October 26, 2023, focuses on the main provisions, objectives, and implications of the mandatory health insurance system within the country. The Mandatory Health Insurance...
Universal Health Coverage Program in Georgia: Resolution No. 279 from 2013 on State Health Care Programs
Government of Georgia adopted Resolution No. 279 on October 31, 2013 in Tbilisi, Georgia, titled “On the approval of the 2013 State Health Care Programs”, which is the foundation for Georgia's Universal Health Coverage Program. The current and full version of the law...
UK Health and Care Act 2022
The UK Health and Care Act 2022 introduces significant reforms aimed at improving healthcare delivery, integration, and social care in England. It is a legislative milestone that builds on lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic and ongoing healthcare challenges. The Act...
Law on Compulsory Health Insurance and Health Care of Foreigners in the Republic of Croatia
Health insurance and healthcare for foreigners in Croatia is governed by a special act - Compulsory Health Insurance and Health Care of Aliens in the Republic of Croatia Act, which is effective from April 16, 2022 (reference to publication: Official Gazette No....
National Development Strategy VISION 2030
The National Health Agenda is guided by the National Development Strategy, VISION 2030 Many Hearts, Many Voices, One Vision. Goal 4 states that the Healthcare System of Trinidad and Tobago will be sustainable and modern and deliver higher standards of healthcare. In...
Compulsory Health Insurance Act of the Republic of Croatia, 2023
Compulsory health insurance in Croatia is provided by the Croatian Health Insurance Institute. Compulsory health insurance provides all insured persons with the rights and obligations on the principles of reciprocity, solidarity and equality. Compulsory health...

Slovenian parliament passes law to transform health insurance
On Thursday, the Slovenian parliament passed a historic reform of the Health Care and Health Insurance Act (Zakon o zdravstvenem varstvu in zdravstvenem zavarovanju, ZZVZZ), abolishing the flat-rate supplementary health insurance and replacing it with a mandatory...
Health Care Act of Finland, 2010
The Health Care Act of Finland No. 1326/2010, issued in Helsinki on 30 December 2010, provides a comprehensive legal framework for organizing and delivering health care services, ensuring that all residents have equitable access to high-quality health care. The Act...

Memorandum signed between Azerbaijan’s State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance and the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic
A delegation led by Zaur Aliyev, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the State Agency for Compulsory Health Insurance (CHIA) of Azerbaijan, conducted a working visit to Prague, Czech Republic, from November 24 to 28. The visit aimed to strengthen international...
Decree setting the conditions and procedures for affiliation and registration with RAMO
This decree sets out the conditions and procedures for affiliation to the compulsory health insurance scheme, in accordance with Articles 4 and 5 of Law N°2021-022 instituting Universal Health Insurance in the Togolese Republic. All natural or legal persons, public or...