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851 results
The Lebanese National Social Security Fund, explained
The Lebanese National Social Security Fund, explained

The National Social Security Fund was founded in 1963 under the (then joint) Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs via the Lebanese Social Security Law, with the aim of creating universal insurance. It is primarily funded by the contributions of private companies...

The Lebanese National Social Security Fund requests increased financing
The Lebanese National Social Security Fund requests increased financing

The Lebanese National Social Security Fund (NSSF) serves a particularly important role in the wake of the current crisis engulfing the country, as medical bills have significantly inflated and even the most prominent hospitals are struggling to maintain their...

Strengthening health system is the top priority in Maldives
Strengthening health system is the top priority in Maldives

Expansion of health coverage to ensure greater access to high quality of healthcare services is one of the key features of health system strengthening aimed at universal health coverage in Maldives. Maldives government plans to strengthen the health system by...

Thailand drafted a new regulation to prevent additional charges
Thailand drafted a new regulation to prevent additional charges

The Universal Coverage Scheme (UCS) in Thailand is one of the key pillars that contributes to universal health coverage ensuring all people access to essential health services without financial hardship. Since 2003, 31 relevant regulations were implemented under the...

Bahrain’s national health insurance system improves access and provision

This chapter from The Report: Bahrain 2020 published by Oxford Business Group outlines how the country’s health insurance system functions in terms of mobilization of funds, government healthcare expenditure as a percentage of GDP and the public primary health care...

2. Turkish Health Transformation Program and beyond

This policy brief lays out Turkey’s significantly improved supply of health services under its Health Transformation Program (HTP) between 2003 and 2013. Improved health outcomes, increased health utilization and changes in health financing trends reflect the rise in...

Turkey provides COVID 19 treatment and medicine free of charge
Turkey provides COVID 19 treatment and medicine free of charge

Coronavirus treatment and medicine for patients in public hospitals in Turkey has been made free of charge following a presidential decree. It says that all patients, even if they failed to pay state insurance, will be granted protective gear and testing, as well as...

Egypt’s comprehensive health insurance law
Egypt’s comprehensive health insurance law

The Health Insurance Law no. 2 of 2018 has now been approved by the Egyptian Parliament and comes to extend the health insurance system to all citizens and improve the health services from 12 July 2018. The new Law covers all citizens, whether they are public or...

Bahrain issues health insurance law for universal healthcare coverage
Bahrain issues health insurance law for universal healthcare coverage

In line with Goal three of the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals, ‘Good health and well-being for people to ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages’, the Kingdom of Bahrain has introduced a universal health coverage scheme giving...

Health sector reforms in Bhutan
Health sector reforms in Bhutan

Bhutan plans for the health sector reforms, aiming to deliver more equitable, efficient, effective, and high-quality health services to respond to changes in disease patterns and demographic structures. Ministry of Health will submit the reform proposal going through...