The Australian Government invests more than $1.1 billion to extend their successful national COVID-19 health response and suppression strategy until 31 December 2021. This $1.1 billion is in addition to more than $22 billion spent in these areas to date,...
Deferment of Labour Codes delays health & income security to gig workers in India
Furthering the agenda of labour empowerment, India consolidated 29 central labour laws into four codes - The Industrial Relations Code, 2020, the Code on Social Security, 2020, the Occupational Safety, Health and Working Conditions Code, 2020, and the Code on Wages,...
Right based approach to UHC in Rajasthan, India
In the last decade, the increasing cost of care and consequent impoverishment of those seeking medical treatment added momentum to the debate on ‘Right to Health’ by demanding universal health coverage (UHC) to build societal resilience to the devastating impacts of...
Vietnam’s new regulations on fees for quarantine, diagnosis and treatment of COVID-19
Japan enacts law to make coronavirus vaccines free to residents
Japan's parliament enacted a law Wednesday to cover the costs for residents to be vaccinated against the novel coronavirus. Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga pledged to secure coronavirus vaccines for all the roughly 126 million residents of the country in the first half...
Law amendments on Health-related laws in Mongolia: Strategic purchasing system is at the starting point of the way
In August 2020, The Parliament of Mongolia approved new amendments into the Health insurance law of Mongolia, the Health law of Mongolia, and the Law on Medicine and medical devices of Mongolia. These laws’ amendments are aimed at improving the efficiency of...
CSU by 2030 in Mali and Chad is possible, say researchers
Nepal focuses on health spending to fight COVID-19 in annual budget
The Parliament of Nepal saw a substantial increase in the share of budget expenditure on health in FY 2021, significant compared to other South Asian countries. The country saw increased spending in health infrastructure to primarily combat the onslaught of the Corona...
Budget 2021: S$4.8b of S$11b Covid-19 Resilience Package for public health
The Singapore Government's commitment to safeguarding public health and the future of its citizens especially in the wake of COVID 19 can be seen in the over 40% share of this year’s Budget that goes to the COVID-19 Resilience Package. Mr. Heng Swee Keat, the...
Situation Update: Response to COVID-19 in Indonesia (As of 1 March 2021)
Indonesia is procured more than 420 million doses of COVID-19 vaccine for 180 million people as of last month according to the Head of the COVID-19 Response and National Economic Recovery team (PCPEN). A breakdown of the procurement would reveal 125.5 million of the...
Thailand’s COVID-19 response an example of resilience and solidarity: a UN Resident Coordinator blog
"The government’s stimulus packages have been comprehensive, rapid and well-sequenced, constituting 15 per cent of GDP. Almost half of respondents to a recent survey reported having received government support. Modelling estimates suggest that while government...
Joint technical note on the provision of additional health insurance benefit package in Viet Nam
This technical note has been jointly prepared by ILO, World Bank, and WHO Country Offices for Viet Nam, based on presentations and discussion which took place at the MoH orientation workshop on the Health Insurance Law revision (October 2018, Hanoi) and during the...
Vietnam’s Social security system: Tool for socio-economic stabilisation in 2021
Chad: President Deby promises to improve the poor health coverage of Chadians
"Starting this year, universal health coverage is to be implemented in N'Djaména as a pilot program". The announcement comes from the Head of State himself, who intends to make healthcare a priority sector of his mandate. As a reminder, the Universal Health Coverage...
Чад: Президент Деби обещает улучшить плохое медицинское обслуживание чадцев
"С этого года в Нджамене в качестве пилотной программы будет осуществляться всеобщий охват населения услугами здравоохранения". Это заявление исходит от самого главы государства, который намерен сделать здравоохранение одной из приоритетных отраслей в течение всего...