India: Integration of Government health schemes under the National Health Authority
on August 13th the governing board of National Health Authority (NHA), chaired by the Union Minister of Health and Family Welfare, approved the proposal to integrate existing health schemes of the central ministries with the Ayushman Bharat - Pradhan Mantri...

Financing the existence of autonomous hospitals (Yes, another lesson from COVID-19)
Across the globe, health systems are being shaken on their foundations by the COVID-19 pandemic. By shedding light on risks or latent problems we were not aware of, the crisis constitutes a major test for our frameworks, the way we have structured our learning...

New COVID-19 Law Lab to provide vital legal information and support for the global COVID-19 response
https://www.who.int/news-room/detail/22-07-2020-new-covid-19-law-lab-to-provide-vital-legal-information-and-support-for-the-global-covid-19-response Une plate-forme des documents juridiques nationaux en relation à COVID-19 (par pays) : https://covidlawlab.org/ en...
National Social Protection and Promotion Policy – Summary – Haiti – April 2020
Equipping the country with a National Policy for Social Protection and Promotion (PNPPS) is an important and necessary step towards achieving a lasting reduction in poverty, reducing inequalities and promoting the autonomy of Haitians. The National Social Protection...
Arrêté Politique Nationale de Protection et de Promotion Sociales (PNPPS) – Haiti – June 2020
Health system measures in Hungary – COVID-19 – June 2020
The health system measures put into place in Hungary to contain the spread of COVID-19 are: - On 4 April, the government announced a HUF 663 billion (1.4% of GDP) Epidemic Prevention Fund to cover additional health spending, including a 20% wage increase for health...
Health system measures in Iceland – COVID-19 – June 2020
The health system measures put into place in Iceland to contain the spread of COVID-19 are: Health professionals working at the front get a one-off bonus. The published information can be found here
Will COVID-19 accelerate UHC?
The pandemic has highlighted the importance of leadership and a multi-sectoral approach – two of the key strengths L4UHC is fostering. But will governments heed the lessons and accelerate UHC’s roll-out? “COVID-19 reinforces the importance of global health – diseases...
Decree creating the National Orientation Council for the Universal Health Insurance Scheme (CNO-RAMU) in Burkina Faso

Learning Brief No.1 on Strategic Purchasing in Myanmar by CPI
Learning Brief No.1: “Strategic” Purchasing: what is it, how are we doing it, and why?

Learning Brief No.2 on Strategic Purchasing in Myanmar by CPI
Learning Brief No.2: Where and for whom?

Learning Brief No.3 on Strategic Purchasing in Myanmar by CPI
Learning Brief No.3: Determining the Package of Services

Learning Brief No.4 on Strategic Purchasing in Myanmar by CPI
Learning Brief No 4: How Much Does it Cost for EHOs to Serve Rural Communities in Hard-to-Reach Settings?

Learning Brief No.5 on Strategic Purchasing in Myanmar by CPI
Learning brief No 5: How Much Does it Cost for EHOs to Serve Rural Communities in Hard-to-Reach Settings?