Order of the Ministry of Health and Public Hygiene on COVID-19 – March 2020
Presentation by the Permanent Mission of the Togolese Republic on the management of COVID-19 – April 2020
Action plan of the Ministry of Health and Public Hygiene against the COVID-19 epidemic in Togo – March 2020
Review of Ghana´s National Health Financing Strategy – Final Report 2019

Senegal Economic and Social Resilience Program COVID-19
The main aim of the contingency plan of the Ministry of Health and Social Action is to strengthen Senegal's capacity to deal with the epidemic through the following measures: - Detecting suspected and confirmed cases - Rapid isolation of said cases - Strengthening...
Message to the nation of Burkina Faso on the situation COVID-19 – April 2020
Message to the nation of Chad on the situation COVID-19 – April 2020
Controlling the pandemic depends above all on strengthening the healthcare system throughout the country. With this in mind, the Government has adopted a contingency plan for an initial amount of 15 billion FCFA (25,087,650.00 USD), intended for the acquisition of...
Message to the nation of Burkina Faso on the situation COVID-19 – April 2020
The expected consequences of this pandemic on the economy are : - Reduction of the growth rate from 6.3% to 2% in 2020; - The drop in public revenues, estimated at 306 billion FCFA (511,102,620.00 USD), representing a budget deficit of 5%; - A general slowdown in...
Communiqué from the National Security Council – Situation COVID-19 – March 2020
Contribution of the L4UHC team in Burkina Faso to the response to COVID 19
The L4UHC team held a virtual meeting in the midst of the COVID crisis. The members of the "family" - as the group calls itself - agreed that they could participate in the response by offering their analysis of the situation on two fundamental subjects, namely: - The...