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851 results
Senegal Economic and Social Resilience Program COVID-19
Senegal Economic and Social Resilience Program COVID-19

The main aim of the contingency plan of the Ministry of Health and Social Action is to strengthen Senegal's capacity to deal with the epidemic through the following measures: - Detecting suspected and confirmed cases - Rapid isolation of said cases - Strengthening...

Message to the nation of Chad on the situation COVID-19 – April 2020

Controlling the pandemic depends above all on strengthening the healthcare system throughout the country. With this in mind, the Government has adopted a contingency plan for an initial amount of 15 billion FCFA (25,087,650.00 USD), intended for the acquisition of...

Contribution of the L4UHC team in Burkina Faso to the response to COVID 19
Burkina Faso

The L4UHC team held a virtual meeting in the midst of the COVID crisis. The members of the "family" - as the group calls itself - agreed that they could participate in the response by offering their analysis of the situation on two fundamental subjects, namely: - The...