COVID-19 preparedness and response plan – Niger
Sierra Leone Insurance Act 2016
Health emergency decree COVID-19 Ivory Coast
Now and forever: removing financial barriers to health services in Kenya
The now: removing financial barriers to COVID 19 testing and services On May 1, the Kenyan Ministry of Health rolled out free testing for COVID 19 in Nairobi and other areas with disease hotspots. Two days later, the Ministry noted in dismay that the turnout for free...
There is a global pandemic – and we still lack fuel and airtime?
Governments around the world are scrambling to get their hands on personal protective equipment, test kits, ventilators and oxygen. But on the frontlines of service delivery in Kenya, we are also hearing about local health officials and facility managers needing money...
Universal health coverage in Africa: a framework for action
Strong economic growth in recent years has helped reduce poverty to 43 percent of the population. Yet, as Africa’s population expands, it is estimated to reach 2.5 billion by 2050, the region faces a critical challenge of creating the foundations for long-term...
Free access and the Common Management Fund in Niger
Hamidou Amadou, explains what the FCS can do to help set up a free scheme.
Proposal for a free-of-charge management system in Niger
Mr Bouchaib Morjane proposes the creation of a technical unit to manage the free service.
Health Public Expenditure Review 2016, including Health
Myanmar National Health Plan (2017-2021)
Myanmar National Health Plan (2017-2021) outlines a new path for the health system that will help the country move towards Universal Health Coverage in an equitable, effective and efficient manner.
P4HC+ Newsletter December 2019
P4HC+ Newsletter October 2019

All together now: Extending social protection in Cambodia
Until recently there was no overarching platform for coordinating social protection schemes across ministries and agencies in Cambodia. With support from Germany and the United States, the General Secretariat of the National Social Protection Council is now playing...

The Phnom Penh Post: New law set to benefit those working in the private sector
The Phnom Penh Post, 20 November 2019: "Workers and employees in the private sector will receive the same benefits as those in the public sector if they pay their income tax and fulfil other legal requirements.The recently passed Law on Social Security Schemes states...