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897 results
COVID-19 Economic Response Package Omnibus Act 2020 – Australia

On March 23rd, a suite of legislation, known as the Coronavirus Economic Response Package Omnibus Bill 2020 and associated Bills, was passed in Australia. This contains bills to implement measures announced between March 12 and 22 of 2020. On April 8 a further suite...

COVID-19 Act – Austria

On March 15, the Austrian parliament enacted the COVID-19 Act which, among the other things, establishes the COVID 19 Fund, drawing resources from the Federal government. The COVID-19 Fund Act established the “COVID-19 Crisis Management Fund” at the Federal Minister...

COVID-19 : Alger taille dans son budget pour faire face à la chute des cours

L’Algérie réduit ses dépenses publiques et revoit sa politique économique face à l’effondrement des cours du pétrole, principale ressource du pays : À l’issue d’un conseil des ministres présidé dimanche 22 mars par le chef de l’État, Abdelmadjid Tebboune, l’Algérie...

National Strategy for Health Financing in Côte d’Ivoire
Côte d’Ivoire

The national health financing strategy to move towards universal coverage is structured around the following chapters: - General context of Côte d'Ivoire, - Situation of the Couverture Sanitaire Universelle, - Rationale for the national strategy, - Definition of the...