The National Health Insurance Act was established to improve citizen's health and social security by providing health insurance benefits, covering diagnosis, medical treatment, rehabilitation, prevention and promotion services. This document is an updated version of...
The Dominica health strategic plan (2010-2019) – Vol 1
A health situation analysis was conducted as the basis for the 2010-2019 Dominica health strategic plan. Health financing component is included in section 5 “Resources for Health”.
Health Sector Program 2020-2024
The Health Sector Program 2020 - 2024 is a program derived from the National Development Plan 2019-2024, which establishes the objectives, strategies and actions with which the different institutions of the Federal Public Administration are governed in order to...
Health Care Financing Law of Latvia, effective since January 2018
This law was adopted on 14.12.2017, and is effective since 01.01.2018. The Health Care Financing Law of Latvia relies on related two laws: the Medical Treatment Law and the Law on Patients' Rights. The purpose of this law is to ensure sustainable health care...
Emergency Economic Measures for Strengthening the National Social Protection System and Supporting SMEs
Decree N.43/2020, dated March 31, 2020, adopting Urgent Economic Measures for the Strengthening of the National System of Social Protection and Support to the SMEs. This Decree includes a series of urgent measures that the Government adopts, in the current fiscal...
Equatorial Guinea: Regulations of the General Social Security System
Decree no. 100/1.990, dated September 28, 1990, approving the Regulations of the General Social Security System.
General Health Law No. 5395
It establishes that the health of the population is a good of public interest protected by the State. The definition of the national health policy, the formation, planning and coordination of all public and private activities related to health, as well as the...
Law on Public Health Protection
It emphasizes in the first article that the protection of public health is the responsibility of the State, which exercises it through the administrative authorities and the Municipalities. The direction and administration of the sanitary service was in charge of an...
Political Constitution of the United Mexican States
Article 4 establishes that everyone has the right to health protection. The bases and modalities for access to health services are defined by law and the concurrence of the Federation and the federative entities in matters of general health is established, "in...
Law N°31-2011 instituting the social security system
On July 15, 2011, the President of the Republic of Congo promulgated the law instituting " a social security system designed to protect workers and their families, as well as other categories of the population, against the risks and hazards inherent in work and life...
Law N°10-2014 dissolving the national social security fund
On June 13, 2014 the President of the Republic of Congo promulgated the law dissolving the National Social Security Fund. Family benefits and related activities initially provided or carried out by the fund are transferred to the social security organization in charge...
Law N°12-2015 creating the universal health insurance fund
This law, promulgated on August 31, 2015, states in Article 1: " A public administrative establishment is created, with legal personality and financial autonomy, called the Universal Health Insurance Fund, abbreviated CAMU. " The law stipulates that CAMU is placed...
Law N°37-2014 instituting the universal health insurance scheme
On June 27, 2014 the President of the Republic of the Congo promulgated the law instituting a universal health insurance scheme that " covers access to health services in the public and private sectors for the benefit of the insured and their dependents, with the...
Ecuador’s court orders tax changes to comply with right to health
Ecuador's justice system has ordered the elimination of a supreme decree that reduced and even eliminated specific taxes on ultra-processed foods, tobacco, alcohol, weapons, and plastics, to ensure compliance with the right to health. This elimination underscores the...
Algeria-Health law
This law lays down the fundamental provisions and principles and aims to give concrete form to the rights and duties of the population in matters of health. Its purpose is to ensure the prevention, protection, maintenance, restoration and promotion of people's health,...