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913 results
Georgian Government introduces co-payments into its UHC scheme
Georgian Government introduces co-payments into its UHC scheme

The Georgian government is introducing co-payments in the universal health coverage system to allow patient choice and flexibly. Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze said patients who could not choose a preferred provider or certain comfort level during medical care would...

Hungarian law on compulsory health insurance: Act LXXXIII of 1997

Act LXXXIII of 1997 in Hungary is a law that defines the Hungarian health care system, including which services are free, which are covered by copayment, and which are excluded from prepaid public benefit schemes. This law also establishes the financing of health care...

Belize Health Sector Strategic Plan 2014-2024

This strategic plan used a new approach in the development of the strategic objectives for the Ministry of Health and in the organization and delivery of health and wellness services to the population. The World Health Organization Health Determinants framework was...

Law of the Republic of Lithuania on Health Insurance

This is the Law of the Republic of Lithuania on Insuring Health (I-1343), signed on May 21, 1996 by Algirdas Brazauskas, President of the Republic of Lithuania. The attached file contains the latest amendments introduced by Law No. XIV-2335 on December 14, 2023. This...

Law of Turkmenistan “On the protection of citizens’ health” (2015)

This law #223-V On the protection of citizens' health was signed by the President of Republic of Turkmenistan and is effective since May 23, 2015. It has replaced previous versions of the law -- "On the protection of citizens' health" from December 14, 2002, and "On...

Law of Mongolia “On Health Insurance” (2015)

The purpose of this law is to establish the principles and scope of compulsory health insurance in Mongolia, to ensure that every citizen of Mongolia is insured and pays premiums for health insurance in accordance with the law. The law also aims to create a fund to...

Constitution of the Republic

Article 72 establishes that"public health is a right of all persons and it is the responsibility of the State to guarantee access, free and quality care, protection and recovery services". To make this right effective, "the State institutes a health system at all...

Record 2024 health budget in Guyana supports UHC
Record 2024 health budget in Guyana supports UHC

In Guyana, public budget covered over 65% of current health expenditure in 2021. The national budget in 2024 continued that positive trend, by allocating a record $129.8 billion.The 2024 national budget allocated a record $129.8 billion for health in Guyana. Although...

2023 Long-Term Care Insurance Act and Enforcement Decree
Korea, Republic of

The Long-term Care Insurance Act was established to promote the health and stability of senior citizens in their post-retirement years, alleviate the caregiving burden on families, and improve the quality of life for seniors. Under this Act, it provides long-term care...