Arrêté portant approbtion des statuts de l’Institution de Coordination de l’Assurance Maladie Obligatoire (ICAMO) (Senegal)
Decree on the organization and operation of company or inter-company health insurance institutions (Senegal)
GFF’s Contribution to UHC
GFF Country Implementation Guidelines
The Global Financing Facility: Progress, Additionality, Effectiveness
Direct Health Facility Financing – a succeeding approach for Tanzania
Overview on Direct Health Facility Financing as presented at the 19th Joint Annual Health Sector Review in November 2018.
Joint decree and procedures manual on free health care Burkina Faso
Message from the ST CSU in charge of the dossier at the Burkina Faso Ministry of Health: It's an honor and a pleasure for me to share this important document with you, to strengthen the legal basis for the implementation of the free healthcare policy. Article 6 of the...
P4HC+ Regular Meeting, 31st October 2018 at World Bank Office
Agenda: Sharing on the results of National Health Accounts 2012-2016 by WHO team Social Protection Law updates by GIZ CIM experts Impressions on Workshop on Health Equity (co-organized by GIZ, WHO, NIPH on 3-7 September 2018) by Kumanan/WHO H-EQIP mission updates by...
National Health Development Plan PNDS 2016-2020
National Health Development Plan NHDP 2016-2020
Sub-decree on National Social Protection Council Members (Khmer version- official)
Sub-decree on the establishment of National Social Protection Council’s Executive Committee and Secretariat in Cambodia (Khmer version- official)
Royal Decree on Establishment of National Social Protection Council (KH version)
National Health Indicators Handbook for Monitoring Health Sector Performance
The new National Health Indicators update a previous list of 110 National Health Indicators released in 2003. The current list was adapted taking into consideration the current Malawi Ministry of Health and Population (MoHP) priorities as outlined in the Health Sector...