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851 results
Assessment of the current state of District Health System Decentralization

This report presents the findings of an assessment on the decentralized district health system which was carried out by the Ministry of Health and Population (MOHP) between 21st and 31st May 2018. The assessment was designed mainly to measure progress made by District...

Health sector resource mapping FY 2017/18 – FY 2019/20

Executive Summary The Government of Malawi (GoM) aims to have the highest possible level of health and quality of life for its citizens. The provision of equitable and quality healthcare is largely dependent on the availability of adequate resources. However, planning...

Status Quo: Decentralization of public health service provision
Status Quo: Decentralization of public health service provision

The Decentralization programme has been going on in Malawi for 20 years now. Indeed a lot has happened considering that the first phase in the late 1990s was for laying the ground works relating to addressing capacity gaps and this was followed by the second phase...

2018 Kenian UHC Monitoring Framework

"The Kenya UHC Road Map 2018-22 elaborates the investments needed to strengthen the health system and scale up coverage of interventions leading to the achievement of UHC goals. In line with this, an M&E plan has been developed to track sector performance as well...

Kenya’s 2018-2022 Roadmap to Universal Health Coverage
Kenya’s 2018-2022 Roadmap to Universal Health Coverage

The Government of Kenya has shown commitment to  implementing Universal Health Coverage as one of its "Big Four Agenda" with the aim to ensure that all individuals and communities in Kenya have access to quality essential health services without...

UHC Priorities, Dr Johansson
Tanzania, United Republic of

Presentation of the UCH Priorities (up til 2024) - Dr Johansson, University of Bergen