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851 results
Mali’s Council of Ministers adopts RAMU law
Mali’s Council of Ministers adopts RAMU law
Mali On Wednesday June 20, the Malian government adopted the bill instituting the Universal Health Insurance Scheme. After several years...

ST CSU order in Burkina Faso _ 2018
Burkina Faso

This order covers the powers, organization and operation of the ST CSU. As we shall see, the CSU's technical secretariat in Burkina Faso is ambitious, with 4 departments and a wide range of responsibilities. The immediate challenges are the Ministry's ability to staff...

Functional Team Order n°7 Burkina Faso Ministry of Health2018
Burkina Faso

This decree concerns the creation, composition, responsibilities and operation of the "Integrated management of the mobilization, allocation, information and redeployment of health resources" functional team at the Burkina Faso Ministry of Health. Functional teams are...

High level WHO UHC Mission to Kenya
High level WHO UHC Mission to Kenya

At the start of his 2nd term, and aligned with Member States’ commitments to the UHC and SDG agenda, the President of Kenya has reached out to the WHO Director General to support the country’s efforts towards UHC. He has made commitments as part of 4 key...

Presentation of the ST CSU position – Burkina Faso Ministry of Health
Burkina Faso

The new organizational chart of the Burkina Faso Ministry of Health has created the position of "Technical Secretary for Universal Health Coverage". This presentation, which was made by the ST CSU itself at the Burkina health TFP meeting on February 22, 2018, sets out...

Health Sector Strategic Plan (HSSP) II 2017-2022

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Health Sector Strategic Plan II (HSSP II) 2017-2022 is the health sector’s medium term strategic plan outlining objectives, strategies and activities and guiding resources over the period 2017-2022. It succeeds the HSSP I (2011-2016). HSSP II...

Malawi’s Parliamentarians debating Health Financing Options
Malawi’s Parliamentarians debating Health Financing Options

Members of Parliament (MPs) discussed the implications of different health financing models on accessibility and quality of care in Malawi. Their debate was informed by national and international technical experts, civil society campaigners, health practitioners and...