Khmer Times, November 7, 2017: "Firms employing as few as one member of staff have been urged to register with the National Social Security Fund to obtain benefits for their workers. NSSF director Ouk Samvithya last week said companies of all sizes would now be...
MoH informs about the Government’s intention to start implementing SHI starting with coverage of workers in the civil service.
MoH informs about the Government's intention to start implementing SHI starting with coverage of workers in the civil service. This is announced as a way to start implementation of the SHI scheme in the absence of a legislative basis, and in line with the...
Draft PER 2015-16
Burkina Faso gratuity decree July 2016
Inter-ministerial prakas (No. 404LV/PrK.NSSF)
Inter-ministerial Prakas on the Implementation of Health Care Scheme Through Health Equity Fund System for Informal Workers and Provision of Additional Allowance for Female Workers upon Birth Delivery
Notification on Registration of the Informal Workers (No. 307 LV/N.NSSF)
Sub-decree on the establishment of PCA (kh)
Document sharing: Benin’s National Health Financing Strategy
Document sharing: Chad’s National Strategy for University Health Coverage
Affirming the vision of Universal Health Coverage (UHC)
Short-, medium- and long-term roadmap for UHIP in Burkina Faso
Short-, medium- and long-term roadmap for UHIP in Burkina Faso (depending on the dossier to be submitted to the Council of Ministers).
Bilateral meetings between the Ministry of the Civil Service, Labour and Social Protection and the PTFs on the AMU dossier
The Universal Health Insurance dossier, including the creation of the CNAMU, will be submitted to the Council of Ministers in two weeks' time. Prior to this, the Minister for the Civil Service, Labor and Social Protection was keen to meet the key TFP partners in the...