Informe de misión Benín 2017
Mission report Benin 2017
Note technique contributions PTF revue 2017 du PNDES
Note on the contribution of technical partners PNDES_CSD Health
Assurance pour le Renforcement du Capital Humain (ARCH) Benin
Government Action Program 2016-2021 Benin
CSU Architecture validation workshop
Design of the UHC Architecture Activity Report
Draft CNS Report 2012
National Health Financing Strategy
Benin National Health Financing Strategy 2015
National Health Financing Strategy – final document before signature by the Minister of Health
Dorothée Kindé Gazard, outgoing Minister of Health, was a driving force behind the development of Benin's national health financing strategy for universal health coverage (SNFS-CU). After the final consultations (April 2015, cf. intranet) and before her departure from...
Cotonou, 16 Avril 2015 : dernière concertation nationale avant finalisation de la SNFS-CU
Le 5ème rencontre technique du SGTT-RAMU pour l'élaboration de la SNFS-CU au Bénin s'est tenue du 6 au 9 Avril 2015. Ainsi et sur la base de l'ensemble des travaux réalisés entre Décembre 2013 et Avril 2015, la dernière concertation pour la finalisation du document de...
ANAM’s care sheet management software and system
As part of its support for the implementation of the RAMU, PRPSS is distributing the ToR for the development of specifications for the implementation of a software and system for the management of care sheets and the payment of providers....
Guide to targeting the poorest households
Benin's Comité Socle de Protection Sociale, with support from the WB, is distributing its guide to targeting Benin's poorest households. 2014_05_Comite_SPS_Benin-GUIDE_CIBLAGE_MENAGES_PLUS_PAUVRES_final