The Comité Technique Interministériel RAMU (CTI-RAMU) draws up its "First progress report on RAMU", the future universal health insurance scheme, and shares it with several development partners and the P4H network coordination office....
Draft bill on social mutuality – February 5, 2014
The MFPTSS is preparing and submitting a draft bill on social mutuality, which is still to be discussed by the Council of Ministers over the coming months. 2014_02_05_Gouv_Burkina-Avant_projet_loi_mutualite_sociale
Report on the analysis of health financing as seen by stakeholders in Burkina – November 2013
Burkina chose to carry out two diagnoses simultaneously: one based on documentation and another based on interviews (this one). The idea behind this consultancy was also to find the time to raise awareness of healthcare financing and its major challenges.
Preparation of the 2013 annual performance report CSD protection sociale
For the Cadre Stratégique de Dialogue (CSD), the Ministry of Social Action releases a first version of the 2013 annual performance report for the social protection sector. 2014_03_05_Gouv_Burkina-Projet_rapport_performances_CSD-PPS_version16fev2014 And technical and...
Meeting between ST-AMU, EU Delegation and WHO – April 2
A meeting between ST-AMU, the EU Delegation and WHO is being held as part of the preparations for the 11th EDF (2014-2020). 2014_04_02_AB-Compte_rendu_rencontre_UE-OMS-ST_AMU
National Health Financing Strategy orientation workshop
The "nutrition and health" sectoral framework of the SCADD (Strategy for Accelerated Growth and Sustainable Development) has long recommended the development of a national health financing strategy. A scoping workshop will be held from February 16 to 18 in Koudougou,...
The MFPTSS presents its strategic framework for the development of social mutuals – May 2014
In March 2013, in the Council of Ministers, the government decided to speed up the implementation of AMU by linking it with social mutuals. 2014_05_29_MFPTSS_Burkina-Cadre_Strategique_Developpement_Mutuelles_Sociales_final
Meeting between the Ministry of Health and the PTFs on payment exemptions for children under 5 years of age
The healthcare fee exemption for under 5 has been regularly discussed in the last years. The end of the financial support from ECHO to pilot projects implemented with INGO support has once again brought the issue in the MOH agenda. The link with the SHI perspective...
First workshop of the National Financing Strategy Drafting Committee
Minutes of the SNFS n°1 June 2015 editorial workshop A dozen technicians met for the first time for a week. They sketched out the architecture of the SNFS. They also put forward a series of questions for debate before being translated into measures (mini-reforms)....
Second SNFS-CU Editorial Board workshop held
The second SNFS-CU editorial workshop was held from August 31 to September 3, 2015. It was attended by around ten people, technicians from the Ministry of Health, ST AMU, MEF (DGB) and PTFs (DUE, World Bank and WHO). Within this framework, the issues identified in the...
Brief on RAMU-BF: fundamental assumptions
The WHO/P4H focal point shares a "non-paper" from ST AMU. The result of lengthy work by the ST-AMU (the structure of the Ministry of the Civil Service, Labor and Social Security in charge of the AMU dossier), the brief shared here is a document that summarizes the...
Support for Ministry of Health health products in 2 Districts: participation in the transition from a mechanism to a system
The Ministry of Health has decided to play its part in everyone's effort to ensure the continuity of the targeted payment exemption pilots that could be taken over by AMU. Reminder: since 2007, pilot payment exemption schemes for children under the age of 5 have been...
A draft 0 of the SNFS is drawn up by the Editorial Committee.
At the end of its third workshop, the SNFS Editorial Committee drew up a "draft 0". Following the refinement of certain questions and the circulation of draft 0 to the members of the Thematic Commission "Health Financing", the Drafting Committee met a fourth time in...
Preparing for the implementation of free-of-charge measures
Preparations for the implementation of free access measures in Burkina Faso are carried out transparently. Here we share technical documents and an update from the PTF Santé meeting. - Tools and procedures developed by the Ministry of Health: EDC training - Risk...
Report of the workshop on recent payment exemption measures
FREE BILAN WORKSHOP REPORT DEC 2016 VF Where we see the skills and transparency efforts of Burkina's Ministry of Health, as well as a certain level of mastery of the devices. The issues of illicit practices and drug availability remain challenges.