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851 results
Single National Health Insurance legislative review kicks off
Tanzania, United Republic of

The WHO supported legislative review around the future plans to introduce a mandatory single national health insurance (SNHI) has started last week, aiming to be completed by end of March 2016.  This legislative review will further shape the cabinet paper proposing...

2016-2025 Health Sector Strategy

Granada’s 2016-2025 Health sector strategy is constructed around the World Health Organization’s six health systems building blocks, with a specific section on Health Financing.

National Strategic Plan for Health 2016-2020
Antigua and Barbuda

The Ministry of Health and the Environment developed Antigua and Barbuda’s 2016-2020 National Strategic Plan for Health.  This document lays out key health components for the country during that period.

Prime Minister signs national CSU strategy

A very important milestone was reached in Chad on September 3, 2015: the Prime Minister signed the national CSU strategy, thus politically validating the work accomplished by the technical group between 2013 and early 2015. 2015_09_03_PM_Tchad-Strategie_CSU_signee...

Update on HI law – Apr 2015

Source: WHO In January 2015, the Mongolian Parliament approved new amendments into the Law of Mongolian Citizen`s Health Insurance to be effected from 1 July 2015. It`s unofficial English translation is attached below. At this time, major changes include:  ...

Workshop on the drafting process of the health financing strategy

During the workshop, the results of the following studies were presented: Situational analysis of health financing in Mozambique Preliminary results of the NHA Medication expenditures for AIDS Panorma of health insurance Performance based financing WHO, WB, Swiss...

TFPs invited to workshop on the Universal Health Coverage Agency (ACMU)

The Senegalese government has decided to set up an executive agency, the Agence de la Couverture Maladie Universelle, to implement the PSD-CMU, under the supervision of the Ministry of Health.The CMU Agency concentrates the missions previously assigned to the CACMU...