A coordination meeting to set up CAPSU is held in Dakar on August 16, 2013.
AFD initiates a joint P4H mission in Colombia – June 2013
The framework law number 1438 setting the major principles of the new health financing reform in Colombia was enacted on 19 January 2011. The bill number 210-2013 currently under discussion in Parliament committees, once approved, will provide further guidance for...
Fact finding mission for supporting the creation of a new social health protection institution
During the first week of July, GIZ P4H Sector Project representatives visited Cambodia for a week to respond to a request by the Ministry of Health to develop the National Social Health Protection Fund. This fund will be a semi-autonomous institute, termed Public...
Finalising the Mongolian Health Insurance Law – September 2011
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) and Germany (GIZ) jointly support the development of the Mongolian Health Insurance Law, which establishes a basis for building the institutional capacity needed to deliver health insurance and to provide quality health services to the...
ILO suggests developing an integrated national social protection policy in Kenya
Following an advisory mission to Kenya undertaken from 28 June to 3 July by Xenia Scheil-Adlung and Axel Weber, ILO suggests developing an integrated national social protection policy in Kenya. See the mission report below....
Medical Benefits Act
The 2010 Medical Benefits Act establishes the Medical Benefits Board to administer the funds collected for the Health Benefits Scheme in Antigua and Barbuda.
Adoption of the National Basic Social Security Strategy 2010-2014
The National Health Services Strategic Plan 2010 – 2020
The 2010-2020 national health strategic plan for the Bahamas follows a systems approach which includes health financing. All aspects of health service provision are detailed. Implementation of appropriate and sustainable mechanisms for financing the health sector are...
Adoption of the Mozambique law on social protection
The Government of Mozambique enacts a new law to establish a social protection framework in the country. 2007_02_07_Gov_Mozambique-Law_on_social_protection
The Constitution of Venezuela
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Health Services Act – 1997 amendment
The 1997 amendment modifies the Health Services Act 1969 CAP 44 of the Laws of Barbados. While majorly dedicated to the duties of the Ministry of Health, specific sections detail health financing aspects including pricing and cost recovery.