On July 15, 2011, the President of the Republic of Congo promulgated the law instituting " a social security system designed to protect workers and their families, as well as other categories of the population, against the risks and hazards inherent in work and life...
Law N°10-2014 dissolving the national social security fund
On June 13, 2014 the President of the Republic of Congo promulgated the law dissolving the National Social Security Fund. Family benefits and related activities initially provided or carried out by the fund are transferred to the social security organization in charge...
Law N°12-2015 creating the universal health insurance fund
This law, promulgated on August 31, 2015, states in Article 1: " A public administrative establishment is created, with legal personality and financial autonomy, called the Universal Health Insurance Fund, abbreviated CAMU. " The law stipulates that CAMU is placed...
Law N°37-2014 instituting the universal health insurance scheme
On June 27, 2014 the President of the Republic of the Congo promulgated the law instituting a universal health insurance scheme that " covers access to health services in the public and private sectors for the benefit of the insured and their dependents, with the...
Ecuador’s court orders tax changes to comply with right to health
Ecuador's justice system has ordered the elimination of a supreme decree that reduced and even eliminated specific taxes on ultra-processed foods, tobacco, alcohol, weapons, and plastics, to ensure compliance with the right to health. This elimination underscores the...
Algeria-Health law
This law lays down the fundamental provisions and principles and aims to give concrete form to the rights and duties of the population in matters of health. Its purpose is to ensure the prevention, protection, maintenance, restoration and promotion of people's health,...

Danish government’s proposal for a healthcare reform will strengthen primary health care
The Danish government proposed a healthcare reform titled 'Health close to you', presented by the Minister of the Interior and Health Sophie Løhde in September 2024. It aims to change both the structure, the division of tasks and the economy to strengthen primary...
Decree creating the National Health Safety Agency
This decree establishes the National Health Security Agency (ANSS) in the Republic of Guinea, and defines its remit, organization and operation. The mission of the ANSS is to implement the strategic orientations of the Ministry of Health in terms of Health Security....
Decree creating UAGCP-Guinea
The Government of the Republic of Guinea and donors, including Gavi, the Global Fund and the World Bank, have agreed on the need to set up a Program Management and Coordination Support Unit (UAGCP) within the Ministry of Health (MOH). The aim is to improve financial...
Law on Social Mutuality in Guinea
In the Republic of Guinea, the regulatory context for social mutuality is governed by Decree Du/1994/090 of October 1994, which remains insufficient to achieve the objectives set. The State's limited resources to cover the needs of all citizens in terms of access to...
The new Health Basic Law of Portugal No. 95/2019
The Health Basic Law of Portugal is a legal instrument that establishes a legal framework for protecting and promoting the health of individuals, households, and communities. The new Health Basic Law No.95, approved in 2019, revoked the previously effective Law No....
Lei n.º 09/2018 Base de Saúde
This Law, consisting of 53 articles divided into eight Chapters, approves the Basic Law on Health, which underlines the constitutional dignity of the right to health protection enshrined in the Constitution of São Tomé and Príncipe Health protection is a right of...
Argentine Integrated Health Services Plan
The Argentine Integrated Health Services Plan was created with the aim of contributing to the development of an integrated, equitable and sustainable health model that guarantees the population's effective access to comprehensive and quality health care. The main...
Public Health Organic Law No. 9202
The Ministry of Public Health is responsible for the organization, administration and operation of the services destined for the care and treatment of the sick and the administration of the establishments destined for the protection of incapable and helpless minors,...
2024 Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan On state health insurance
The Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On measures to implement mechanisms of state health insurance” was adopted (PP No. 311 dated September 5, 2024). State health insurance is to be introduced in Tashkent and the Syrdarya region from October...