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Legal & Institution Archives - Page 8 of 174 - P4H Network
851 results
Decree 139: Regulation of Public Health Law 41

Establishes the basic principles for the regulation of social relations in the field of health as provided for in Law 41 of July 13, 1983, known as the Public Health Law. It determines specific legal premises for the regulation of the organization of public health and...

Law instituting universal health insurance in Togo

This law institutes universal health insurance (AMU) in the Togolese Republic. Universal health insurance is based on the principles of solidarity, equity, risk pooling, individual and collective responsibility and progressiveness, in order to guarantee all residents...

Financial integration of local health systems as envisioned in the UHC law

The Philippines Universal Health Care (UHC) Law mandates that province- and city-wide health systems must implement financial integration, starting in 2023.This policy brief outlines how policies on financial integration will alter the financing of health services at...

Algeria Finance Law 2024

Law no. 23-22 of 11 Joumada Ethania 1445 corresponding to December 24, 2023 on the Finance Act for 2024. The President of the Republic, Having regard to the Constitution, in particular Articles 139, 141, 143 (paragraph 2) and 148; Having regard to Organic Law No....

Decree instituting free health care in CAR
Central African Republic

On February 15, 2019, the Central African Republic adopted decree N°19-037 on targeted free healthcare in health facilities.Art.1 : Targeted free care is instituted in all public and contracted health facilities in the Central African Republic.Art. 2 : Implementation...

Health Insurance Scheme Act (RAMU)

The Republic of Mali has instituted a compulsory health insurance scheme known as the Régime d'Assurance Maladie Universelle, or RAMU for short. The universal health insurance scheme is based on the principles of solidarity, contribution, pooling of resources and...

Law 18211 Creation of the Integrated National Health System

This law establishes the right to health protection for all inhabitants residing in the Oriental Republic of Uruguay and the different modalities for their access to comprehensive health services. The implementation of the National Integrated Health System is the...

Law on Mandatory Health Care Insurance in The Republic of Albania

Law on Mandatory Health Care Insurance in The Republic of Albania No. 10 383, dated 24.2.2011 (latest amendment no. 65/2023, dated 21.7.2023) establishes the framework for mandatory health care insurance in the Republic of Albania. This law has been amended multiple...

General Health Law

The purpose of Law No. 423 is to protect the right of the inhabitants of Nicaragua to "enjoy, preserve and recover their health", establishing for this purpose the legal provisions and special norms required for its enforcement in the country. The Ministry of Health...

Law on the orientation of health policy

Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.Djibouti adopts and supports the principle of solidarity and the equality of all in the face of public health costs: everyone must contribute, to...

Law setting up a Universal Health Insurance system

The Council of Ministers heard in its meeting of September 10, 2013 adopted the insitutionalization of a universal health insurance system (AMU) which includes on the one hand the compulsory health insurance scheme (AMO) and on the other hand the social health...