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Milestone Archives - Page 17 of 54 - P4H Network
265 results
High-level seminar on universal health coverage (CMU)
Côte d’Ivoire

The main objective of the seminar organized by the WB is to provide participants with an opportunity to exchange further on the CMU concept, and to improve technical knowledge and capacities for the design and implementation of options that could be applied to the...

Joint P4H mission in August 2014

WHO, ILO, SDC and GIZ participate in a P4H mission from 25-29 August 2014. The objectives of the mission are to Share information on P4H objectives, principles, and cooperation methods with social health protection development partners in Mozambique Define a framework...

Successful launch of Leadership for UHC programme -/06/2014
Successful launch of Leadership for UHC programme -/06/2014

Congratulations to the World Bank and GIZ team, as well as the Presencing Institute on the successful launch of the Leadership Development Programme (LDP) for UHC inPretoria, South Africa (23-26 June 2014).  The kick-off event brought together more than 30+ high level...

LDP Kick-Off workshop in Pretoria – 23-26 June 2014

The Leadership for UHC Program is jointly designed and implemented by GIZ and the World Bank. At GIZ, the P4H Sector Project and the Leadership Group at the Academy for International Cooperation (AIZ) are involved; at the World Bank, it is the World Bank Institute’s...

Preparations for the Leadership for UHC Program

From: Kai Straehler-Pohl, GIZ Sent: 14 May 2014 Subject: Leadership for UHC – Notification of acceptance and next steps Dear all, We are pleased to inform you that the nomination of your team and you as individuals has been accepted for the GIZ-WBI Leadership for UHC...

Request for support from MISAU – April 2014

On 30 April 2014, the Swiss Development Cooperation (SDC) office in Maputo receives a formal request from the Ministry of Health (MISAU) in Mozambique for P4H support to the process of developing a Health Financing Strategy. The request has been shared with Daniel...

National UHC workshop and CD visit – Apr 2014

The Ministry of Health and Population (MoHP) and WHO organise a workshop on Moving towards UHC in Nepal, on 20-21 April 2014 in Kathmandu. The CD has been invited by WHO to attend this event, which turns out to as a good opportunity to catch up with current...

Development of Health Financing capacities

WHO and GIZ are planning a 5-day Health Financing Course in Tajikistan offered by the WHO Regional Office for Europe during the first half of 2014. The course will provide a basic introduction to effective policy instruments to improve health system performance...

WHO circulates annotated CUSS bill
Congo, Democratic Republic of the

Following the legal support mission for the drafting of the Universal Health Coverage Bill (CUSS), WHO is circulating its comments and the annotated bill.  

WHO circulates annotated CUSS bill – January 2014
Congo, Democratic Republic of the

Following the legal support mission for the drafting of the Universal Health Coverage Bill (CUSS), WHO is circulating its comments and the annotated draft bill. 2014_01_30_VP-Projet_de_loi_CUSS_annote