P4H Annual Review 2023-2024
Looking back on the twelve months from July 2023 through June 2024, the P4H Network reflects on its continuing reach – and relevance – across the globe.New results were achieved thanks to the commitment of the P4H Network’s members, cochairs, funders and partnerships...

Interview with Bayarsaikhan Dorjsuren of the P4H Coordination Desk
Bayarsaikhan Dorjsuren (BD), Senior Health Systems Adviser, P4H Coordination Desk, World Health Organization, was interviewed by Ainur Aiypkhanova (AA), P4H community facilitator for Eastern Europe and Central Asia. Bayar has been an active advocate and has...

P4H Coordination Desk attends Fudan University School of Public Health forum in Shanghai
P4H academic member Fudan University School of Public Health in Shanghai, China, held a subforum on 13 November 2024 as part of the Eighth International Forum on the Belt and Road Initiative & Global Governance. The P4H Coordination Desk attended the subforum and...

P4H Network’s monitoring and evaluation framework developed and piloted by hera
The P4H Network contracted hera to pilot a new Monitoring and Evaluation framework, including the Critical Milestone Timeline tool, to enhance universal health coverage and reduce financial risks. Insights from Chad and Côte d'Ivoire helped refine the framework,...

Strategic purchasing in health: lever for universal health coverage in Côte d’Ivoire
Initiatives in Côte d'Ivoire to reform its health financing and implement strategic purchasing of primary health care aim to accelerate universal health coverage. International organizations provide technical support, just as the P4H Network provides expertise...

Validation of the study on the implementation of a CSU management organization
The Ministry of Public Health has initiated a study prior to setting up a management body for universal health coverage. From October 23 to 25, thanks to the technical support of the P4H focal person in Cameroon, a workshop brought together experts who validated the...
Climate change, public health and health financing : Mozambique’s experience
How to integrate climate change in health financing work at country level? Mozambique's experience in this document is built around: Strategies and long term perspective Responding to climate-related crisis ...and a glimpse on political economy Industrialization is...
Testing P4H Political Economy Tool in Cambodia
This report outlines the pilot testing of the P4H Political Economy Tool (PET) in Cambodia. The PET was piloted to test its pertinence and practical usefulness for P4H country focal person engaged with country specific reforms and political economy processes.
Technical note on Social Health Insurance
This note presents the characteristics of public health insurance systems and analyzes their characteristics in relation to Universal Health Coverage in Mozambique. Compulsory public insurance systems represent an improvement in access and financial protection in...
Testing P4H Political Economy Tool in Cameroon
This report outlines the pilot testing of the P4H Political Economy Tool (PET) in Cameroon. The PET was piloted to test its pertinence and practical usefulness for P4H country focal person engaged with country specific reforms and political economy processes.

Workshop on the collective action initiatives as part of the implementation of UHC
From August 21 to 22, 2024, a workshop was held to assess the Collective Action Initiatives (CAI) in Cameroon as part of the implementation of Universal Health Coverage (UHC). The conclave brought together members of the L4UHC group in Mbankomo in the Centre region....

Executive training on CSU, social health protection and gender
From May 22 to 25, 2024, the P4H focal person in Cameroon supported a training course on social protection in health, Universal Health Coverage and Gender. The training was attended by officials from several ministerial departments involved in social protection. Some...
ToRs Training workshop for managers on CSU, social protection in health and gender
The P4H network, in collaboration with WHO, UNICEF, ILO, the World Bank and the L4UHC group, is organizing a training session on universal health coverage, social health protection and gender in the context of the implementation of CSU in Cameroon.To achieve the above...
Analysis of Chèque Santé extension in Cameroon
As part of the fight against Maternal, Neonatal and Infant Mortality, the State of Cameroon has been working with AFD and KFW to set up the Chèque Santé project since June 2015. It has helped reduce in-hospital maternal and neonatal mortality. On April 12, 2023, the...