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P4H Network Archives - Page 3 of 24 - P4H Network
56 results
Montreux Collaborative
Montreux Collaborative

The Montreux Collaborative is a WHO led platform for collaboration between countries and development partners. It aims to generate and disseminate global and country evidence on how to make budgets work for health, with a specific focus on transforming budget...

Introducing Nelly Gilyazetdinova
Introducing Nelly Gilyazetdinova
Russian Federation

Nelly Gilyazetdinova is a senior specialist in the department of development and external affairs at the Center for Healthcare Quality Assessment and Control of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation in Moscow. She also serves as executive secretary of the...

Introducing: Agnès Couffinhal
Introducing: Agnès Couffinhal

Agnès is a health system expert with some 20 years of experience in low and middle-income countries and with the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Her primary area of expertise is HF and spans other domains, too, notably service delivery. She...

P4H-TEG meeting
P4H-TEG meeting

The P4H-TEG meeting on 5 and 6 October 2023 was held in person at ILO headquarters and online. The meeting’s first day continued earlier discussions on financing epidemics and PPPR and the alignment community of practice (COP). The second day was devoted to climate...

Workshop on PPR and P4H Technical Exchange Group
Workshop on PPR and P4H Technical Exchange Group

The event included two parts: Part 1 - Workshop on how to maximize the health impact of social protection systems in the context of epidemics and pandemic prevention, preparedness and response PPR). Sessions were facilitated by members of the P4H Technical Exchange...

Sharing experiences on the universal health cover programme in Côte d’Ivoire
Côte d’Ivoire, Niger, Senegal

Building on a ten in country analysis of SHP and HF institutional frameworks initiated in the previous reporting period, P4H-CD provided in-depth support to P4H-CFPs from Cote d’Ivoire and Cambodia with the support of a WHO contracted consultant. The consultant...

Cameroun-Projet Backup Santé : Rapport final

Le Ministère de la Santé a réalisé en 2020, une étude pour évaluer les politiques relatives au genre dans la santé du Cameroun, en collaboration avec le P4H et la GIZ. L’objectif de l‟étude était d‟analyser la transformation sociale favorable aux femmes à travers le processus de budgétisation en utilisant la méthodologie à l‟aide de l‟outil « Equity Budgeting Tool ».Selon les résultats de cette étude, des discriminations de genre persistent dans le secteur de la santé, même si des efforts sont déployés pour les réduire. Les inégalités sont visibles au niveau de l‟accessibilité à certains soins de santé pour les femmes et dans certains groupes spécifiques en milieu rural où se pose avec acuité la question de disponibilité des médicaments et structures de santé. Ainsi, la persistance de ces inégalités contredit les discours politiques et les stratégies nationales qui énoncent l‟élimination des inégalités liées au genre.
C‟est dans ce contexte que le Projet BACKUP SANTE de la GIZ, a commandité la présente étude qui se situe dans la continuité des initiatives antérieures mises en œuvre, afin de mieux comprendre les enjeux genre dans le financement de la santé, afin d‟atteindre les objectifs de la Couverture Santé Universelle.

P4H Annual Review 2021-2022
P4H Annual Review 2021-2022

The 2022 Annual Review marks a milestone for the P4H Network: 15 years ago from its founding at the 2007 G8 Summit at Heiligendamm. Since then, P4H has refocused its value proposition to help enhance members’ contributions to universal health coverage (UHC), worked to...

P4H Annual Review 2020-2021
P4H Annual Review 2020-2021

The COVID-19 pandemic created a profound health and social crisis but has also triggered an unprecedented multilateral response, bringing together political leadership and financial resources at the global level. While we need to fight back against COVID-19 and...