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Policy dialogue Archives - P4H Network
740 results
White Paper on Universal Health Coverage
Saint Lucia

This universal health coverage (UHC) white paper developed by the UHC unit at the Ministry of Health, Wellness and Elderly Affairs, provides key policy directions and strategies for achieving UHC in St Lucia. It outlines various aspects of UHC interventions, in...

The Second Health Sector Strategic Development Plan (HSSP II) : 2017-2021

The Second Health Sector Strategic Plan of Eritrea focuses on addressing the country's double burden of communicable and non-communicable diseases and emerging health threats influenced by climate change. It aims to strengthen health security by building a resilient...

Social Protection Policy 2025-2029 of Guinea-Bissau

Social Protection Policy (PNPS) of Guinea-Bissau, concretizes the government's commitment to strengthening the mechanisms for protecting Guineans against the risks that threaten their right to a dignified life, free from the fear of hunger and the access to essential...

National STI/HIV/AIDS Strategic Plan 2020-2024

The National Strategic Plan aims to accelerate and amplify the national response to the dynamics of the epidemic through a set of strategies and interventions. These actions should contribute to breaking the STI/HIV transmission chain and ensuring universal access to...

National Health Development Plan 2024-2028

Based on the orientations of the PNS 2024-2034 (vision, values, guiding principles and reforms), and developed through an inclusive participatory process involving all stakeholders in national health action, the PNDS 2024-2028 is the first step in this renewed...

National Social Protection Strategy-2012

The document consists of four parts and several appendices. The first part introduces the definitions, dimensions and conceptual framework of social protection(chapter 1), outlines the main elements of the national context in relation to the issue at hand(chapter 2)...

PNDS 2022-2030 Volume 1: Situational analysis and PNDS

The 2022-2030 national health development plan will be deployed in an economic context of major constraints linked to the country's state of underdevelopment, but also of promising opportunities and prospects for economic growth and a better distribution of national...

Guidance note: Health financing in the Gabonese Republic

This guidance note follows on from the book Le financement de la santé en République gabonaise, which presents a comprehensive assessment of the country's health financing. This book examines the health financing situation following the introduction of a national...

National digital health strategy 2021-2025

According to the co-signatories, the Minister for Health and the Minister for the Digital Economy, the development of this plan was a participatory process involving all public and private sector players working in the field of health and information and communication...

Technical note on Social Health Insurance

This note presents the characteristics of public health insurance systems and analyzes their characteristics in relation to Universal Health Coverage in Mozambique. Compulsory public insurance systems represent an improvement in access and financial protection in...