The Federal Ministry of Health of Ethiopia renews its commitment to actions towards universal health coverage (UHC). The re-definition of the Essential Health Service Packages (EHSP), which the Global Health Priorities Research Group is involved in, is defined as one...

2021 Congress – International Health Economics Association
The theme of this year’s congress is "Health Economics in a Time of Global Change". Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the iHEA Board has taken the decision that the 2021 iHEA Congress will be held virtually. The focus of the virtual event will be on...

Tools to help civil society actors understand public financing for health in the context of UHC
Understanding public financing for health is critical to effective advocacy to advance efforts to implement universal health coverage (UHC). A new toolkit developed by UHC2030 and PMNCH aims to give civil society and other stakeholders a better understanding of the...

Let’s Talk Primary Health Care on 23 June 12.00–14.00 CET
WHO European Centre for Primary Health Care is organizing the 6th talk show “Let’s Talk Primary Health Care” on 23 June 12.00–14.00 CET. This webinar series is a monthly event with an overarching purpose to connect country task forces on...
National Health Accounts Estimates for India 2015-16
This report provides healthcare expenditures in India based on National Health Accounts Guidelines for India, 2016 (with refinements where required) that adhere to System of Health Accounts 2011 (SHA 2011), a global standard framework for producing health accounts.
Project to create Niger’s National Institute for Medical Assistance (INAM)
INAM's dual public mission: 1. Implementation of the reform of free health care with a view to its gradual integration into Niger's CMU (Couverture Médicale Universelle) system currently under construction. 2. Delegated management by the State, local authorities and...

Book Launch: Voice, Agency, Empowerment: The Handbook on Social Participation for UHC
The Handbook on Social Participation for Universal Health Coverage (UHC) will be launched on 31 May at 14:00 – 15:00 CET. WHO, UHC2030, Health System Governance Collaborative, UHC-Partnership, and PMNCH invite you to the launch of...

I Congress of Clinical Pharmacologists of Kazakhstan
On May 27-28, 2021 in the city of Nur-Sultan is held I (first) Congress of Clinical Pharmacologists of Kazakhstan online Given that a key item of health care expenditure is medicines (medicines), there is a growing interest and importance in every health...

Health Issues, Health Care Utilization & Health Care Expenditure among Elderly in India
India has a large elderly population, with enormous diversity pertaining to social, economic, educational and health status which demands more healthcare services as they age. But, unregulated systems, lack of resources, inefficient public health system, absence of...

Health insurance: CNAMGS conducts strategic study of medical deserts
How can we bring health insurance to deepest Gabon ? A question that is addressing the Caisse nationale d'assurance maladie et de garantie sociale (CNAMGS) through a workshop on support for the project to operationalize health departments for the...

Медицинское страхование: ЦНАМГС проводит стратегическое исследование медицинских пустынь
Каким образом можно довести медицинское страхование до глубочайшего Габона ? Именно эту проблему решает Национальная касса страхования от болезней и социальных гарантий (Caisse Nationale d'Assurance Maladie et de Garantie Sociale, CNAMGS) в рамках...

Round Table Discussion held with Gov’t Top Officials and WB: “KAZAKHSTAN: HUMAN CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK”
World Bank (WB) country office for Kazakhstan held a high-level Round Table Discussion titled: KAZAKHSTAN: HUMAN CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK today, on April 27, 2021 via zoom. This meeting was devoted to promting State Officials to recognize the need to invest into...

Government accepts Medishield Life Council’sRecommendations and commits S$2.2 Billion for premium subsidies and support
Singapore offers healthcare coverage to its entire population through Medisave, a personal savings account and MediShield Life, a low-cost medical insurance to help Singaporeans pay for large hospitalisation bills. To ensure continued healthcare...

Right based approach to UHC in Rajasthan, India
In the last decade, the increasing cost of care and consequent impoverishment of those seeking medical treatment added momentum to the debate on ‘Right to Health’ by demanding universal health coverage (UHC) to build societal resilience to the devastating impacts of...

Recommendations for Increased healthcare resilience through the Federal Budget 2020-21
Health investment in areas like workforce, digital and infrastructure is critical to delivering better health outcomes and is also part of the solution to manage the economic recovery, both for productivity and job creation. PwC Australia recommends investment in...